“I’ve dealt with him before ”

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

– Upton Sinclair


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“I’ve dealt with him before.”

Mark Serreze from NSIDC responds to Michael Mann’s scurrilous accusations, with even more scurrilous accusations.

“I’ve dealt with him before.”

He has dealt with me before.  In 2008, Mark Serreze predicted an ice-free North Pole that summer.

North Pole could be ice free in 2008 | New Scientist

His prediction prompted me to write my first article about climate. “Arctic ice refuses to melt as ordered”

Arctic ice refuses to melt as ordered • The Register

His prediction didn’t fare well, with lots of ice around the North Pole on the minimum date of September 9, 2008.

N_20080909_extn_v3.0.png (420×500)

He did however inspire British swimmer Lewis Pugh to try to kayak to the North Pole.

“This year, for the first time, scientists predict that the North Pole could briefly be ice free and that has inspired Mr Pugh to try to find a way through.”

BBC NEWS | UK | Swimmer aims to kayak to N Pole

Needless to say, Pugh didn’t make it very far.

Explorer kayaks to 1,000 km from N.Pole | Reuters

Mark Serreze also predicted an ice-free Arctic by 2030.

Arctic Ice Continues Record Melting – ABC News

Since then, there has been no trend in the minimum, mean or maximum extent.


Mark and his friends have no clue what they are talking about, which is why they rely on insults rather than scientific debate.

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Elon Musk weighs in on climate.

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Turn Out The Lights – The Party’s Over

Utterly absurd claims by politicians and the press are driving energy policy.


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Net Zero In The UK

Wind and solar are producing 4% of UK electricity today.  Boris Johnson said UK homes would be 100% wind powered by 2030.

Wind power production as a percentage

Solar power production as a percentage

Boris Johnson to unveil plan to power all UK homes with wind by 2030 | Conservative conference 2020 | The Guardian

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Turn Out The Lights, The Party Is Over

Scientific American and Gavin Newsom say wind, water and solar are ready to power California, This judgment is based on a few hours in the middle of the afternoon on a cool day – during a spring with lots of snow melt coming down from the mountains.

On a hot September/October night there will be no solar, little wind, little hydroelectric and much higher demand.  How will people recharge their government mandated electric vehicles?

A Golden Age of Renewables Is Beginning, and California Is Leading the Way | Scientific American

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Michael Mann Again

Instead of engaging his critics who are accusing him of fraud, Michael Mann continues to behave like a child.

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Over The Target

Michael Mann seems to be obsessed with me, now relying on misinformation and identity theft – rather than dialog.

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Michael Mann’s Latest Research

Michael Mann has determined from a Wikipedia article (which had nothing to do with me) that I am an anti-Semite, racist and misogynist. As a Jew married to a beautiful Asian bride, I was quite surprised.

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“an amazing documentary dismantling the climate change theory”

“I’ve just watched the most extraordinary documentary film, which comprehensively rejects and exposes the climate emergency hysteria that grips the Western world.

But you won’t be able to view it on the BBC or ITV. Climate: The Movie is available only on YouTube here (and I’m grateful to an article by Toby Young in The Spectator magazine for alerting me to it).

It shatters the great lie, endlessly parroted by mainstream broadcasters, that there is a scientific consensus on man-made climate change. Not least because those who feature on screen are among the most eminent scientists of their generation. They include William Happer, a professor of physics at Princeton University, who has advised three American presidents, and says: “The climate alarm is nonsense… it’s a hoax.”

Then there’s John F Clauser, winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2022, who says: “I assert there is no connection whatsoever between CO2 and climate change.”

‘I’ve just watched an amazing documentary dismantling the climate change theory’ | Express Comment | Comment | Express.co.uk

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