Retreat Of Greenland’s Jakobshavn Glacier Before 1903

“in the past fifty-three years the face of the glacier has retreated about eight miles.

Not only is it shorter than it formerly was, but its mass has otherwise been reduced to a very considerable extent. The surface of the glacier now lies  from 20 to 30 feet below its former level and the precipitous walls of rock that hem it in bear the record of this change of level.”

27 Jul 1903, Page 4 – The Tribune at

According to Michael Mann, this retreated occurred during the coldest 50 years on record.

Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis

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Bipolar Vortex

During the 1970s climate scientists blamed the polar vortex on global cooling, but now they blame it on global warming.

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Al Gore’s Nobel Prize

Irena Sendler risked her life day after day to rescue thousands people from the Warsaw Ghetto during WWII. In 2007, the Nobel Prize Committee bypassed her and gave the prize to Al Gore for getting rich by scamming the world about climate. Irena died in 2008.

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Yuri Bezmenov Explains Ideological Subversion

In 1984, Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov explained how the destruction of the west was being implemented.

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Shape Shifting Science

Climate alarmists alternate between claiming global warming causes more snow and global warming causes no snow.

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Biden’s Victory

The press says America rejected Donald Trump and gave a big win to Joe Biden.

House Election Results 2022: Live Map | Midterm Races by State

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Donald Trump’s 2013 Forecast

“Obama’s speech on climate change was scary. It will lower our standard of living and raise costs of fuel & food for everyone.”

1:31 PM · Jun 26, 2013

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2616 Days Left For The Planet

In 1989 the United Nations predicted the Maldives would drown by the year 2018 – due to the burning of fossil fuels.

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“might not be too clever in the long run”

Time Magazine says we should ignore self-confessed fraud from climate scientists.

Another Batch of Hacked Emails From Climate Scientist Does Little to Change the Consensus on Global Warming

“An official from the U.K. Met Office [Peter Thorne], a scientific organization which analyzes the climate, writes to the Climate Research Unit’s then-director Phil Jones at one point: “Observations do not show rising temperatures throughout the tropical troposphere unless you accept one single study and approach and discount a wealth of others. This is just downright dangerous. We need to communicate the uncertainty and be honest. Phil, hopefully we can find time to discuss these further if necessary […]”

Later, the official adds, “I also think the science is being manipulated to put a political spin on it which for all our sakes might not be too clever in the long run.”

Another Batch of Hacked Emails From Climate Scientist Does Little to Change the Consensus on Global Warming |

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Climate Alarmist Physics

A typical response I get from climate alarmists when I point out that winter snow cover has been increasing over time.

5:47 AM · Nov 21, 2022

Increased snow cover means the area covered with snow is extending further south. The freeze line is moving to lower latitudes because Arctic air is penetrating further south.

More snow falls during cold winters than during warm winters. Warm winters are either dry or the precipitation falls as rain.  Precipitation typically occurs at the boundary of cold air masses because cold air can’t hold as much moisture, and water vapor condenses. If the air is “holding the moisture” then precipitation is not occurring.

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