“Scant Evidence”

The International Energy Agency says governments shutting down coal/gas/nuclear power plants didn’t cause energy prices to increase. They also say the shortage of energy is making the world more secure.

World Energy Outlook 2022 shows the global energy crisis can be a historic turning point towards a cleaner and more secure future – News – IEA

Germany to close all 84 of its coal-fired power plants, will rely primarily on renewable energy – Los Angeles Times

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What Fraud Is Acceptable In The Science Community?

“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out… without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable.”

– H. L. Mencken

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“these climatic fluctuations are not unusual”

At the first World Climate Conference in 1979, Robert M. White said the extreme weather of the 1970s was not unusual and happened frequently in the past.

“The disastrous consequences of climatic events of the past decade are well known. No part of the world has been immune. During the late sixties and early seventies the southern border regions of the Sahara desert, the Sahel, succumbed to a five-year drought with famine and death on a continental scale. The year 1972 saw a worldwide epidemic of costly climatic episodes, including drought in the Soviet Union and the occurrence of El Nino off Peru. In 1974, poor monsoons reduced food production in India. In 1975, cold waves in Brazil badly damaged coffee crops. In 1976, drought in Europe caused widespread economic dislocations. In the United States, the recent cold winters forced many industries and s6hools to close.

These events have demonstrated the sensitivity of human welfare and international relations to climatic events. They have demonstrated the fragility of world food production and trade systems and the extent to which income and employment continue to depend on the workings of the natural world. The remarkable aspect of these climatic fluctuations is that they are not unusual. Similar events have occurred frequently in the historical record. What is new, is the realization that vulnerability of human society to climatic events has not disappeared with technological development.”


When he died in 2015, the New York Times reported that he “warned of climate change.

“Robert M. White, a meteorologist who revolutionized the nation’s weather forecasting system, was the first to lead the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and warned of climate change long before it was widely recognized, died on Oct. 14 at his home in Chevy Chase, Md. He was 92.”

Robert M. White, Who Revolutionized Weather Forecasts, Dies at 92 – The New York Times

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New York Times Weighs In On Fake News

The New York Times entire business model is based around publishing fake news, and they are accusing other people of doing the same.

Elon Musk, in a Tweet, Shares Link From Site Known to Publish False News – The New York Times

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Germany Going Green

The German finance minister wants the government to stop blocking German energy production.

Fracking: Christian Lindner for quick entry – Minister of Finance has no concerns

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What Fraud Is Acceptable In The Science Community?

Jane Lubchenco is the Biden administration official in charge of scientific integrity.  She was recently sanctioned by the National Academy of Sciences for her poor integrity.

“A NAS spokesperson confirmed that the decision is related to last year’s retraction of a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Before joining OSTP, Lubchenco edited a paper that was retracted from the journal PNAS in October 2021 because the data underlying the analysis was not the latest available, and because she has a personal relationship with one of the authors (her brother-in-law).

Lubchenco, while at the White House, has been spearheading work to develop scientific integrity policies across government agencies.”

White House climate official sanctioned by key science body

It is interesting that she was sanctioned for a few specific actions rather than the massive fraud she is perpetrating on the American people.  In 2009, during Biden’s first year in the White House, she published this document predicting an increase in 90 degree days in the US due to the burning of fossil fuels.

She chose to ignore all the data before 1961.

“The number of days with high temperatures above 90°F is projected to increase throughout the country as illustrated in the maps on the left. Parts of the South that currently have about 60 days per year with temperatures over 90°F are projected to experience 150 or more days a year above 90°F by the end of this century, under a higher emissions scenario”

Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States

The frequency of 90 degree days across the country and the south plummeted from the 1930s to the 1960s.


Even if you ignore all the data before 1961, there still isn’t an upwards trend.

She is involved in much more serious fraud than what she was sanctioned for, but the powers that be seem to think that is fine.

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Scary Halloween 1950

On October 31, 1950 more than half of the US was over 80F, and nine states were over 90F.

Nebraska 94 Texas 94 Arizona 93 Kansas 93 Oklahoma 93 Colorado 92 California 91 Missouri 91 Alabama 90

Arkansas 89 Florida 89 Georgia 89 Louisiana 89 New Mexico 89 Illinois 88 Indiana 88 Iowa 88 Mississippi 88 North Carolina 88 North Dakota 88 South Carolina 88 Tennessee 88 Virginia 88 Kentucky 87 Minnesota 85 Ohio 85 Maryland 84 Utah 84 West Virginia 83 Wisconsin 83 Delaware 82 New Jersey 82 Pennsylvania 82 South Dakota 82 Michigan 81 Wyoming 81 New York 80

“The Jackson Sun > 31 Oct 1950, Tue » Page: 5
Hot Weather Blamed For Train Wreck

LOUISVILLE, Ky., Oct. 31 Unseasonable hot weather here yesterday was blamed for a train wreck.

A spokesman for the Louisville and Nashville Railroad said a section of track apparently buckled from the heat, causing derailment of nine coaches of the Southwind, a ‘streamliner running between Miami and Chicago.”

31 Oct 1950, 5 – The Jackson Sun at Newspapers.com

It was 91F at Brunswick, Missouri on October 31, 1950 – which was the hottest day during July, August, September and October that year

Brunswick had a six-day heatwave from October 27 to November 1 during which they averaged 85F.

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New Climate Tool (Part 5)

A comparison of using the graphing tool to attempting to do the same things in a spreadsheet.

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Safe And Effective

Doug Brignole bragged about getting the injection and then he died. USA Today is bragging that he died from COVID-19.

 The Latest US and World News – USA TODAY

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Journalism Is A Thing Of The Past

A new article about Greenland from the New York Times, in which the author misinterpreted every single thing he observed.

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