Flannery Fail

Fifteen years ago, snake oil salesman Tim Flannery said Australian reservoirs would never fill again due to the burning of fossil fuels.

“even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams and our river systems,”

“Carbon trading represents one of the great opportunities for farmers in Australia”

Landline – 11/02/2007: Interview with Professor Tim Flannery . Australian Broadcasting Corp

“The Victorian government has ruled out new dams, saying climate change means not enough water would flow into them to make them worthwhile.”

No point in new empty dams, says Victorian government | Australian Water and Energy Exchanges research initiative

Now the reservoirs are full.

Australia: A lake has filled up for the first time in 28 years | Metro News

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2651 Days Left For The Planet

According to Congressional climate expert AOC, the world will end in 2,651 days

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A Moment Of Truth

The latest from down the climate rabbit hole.

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Combating Misinformation

A common technique used by climate alarmists is to make authoritative sounding but incorrect statements about climate data.

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“a moment of truth”

A few months ago the press said Vietnam was getting rid of coal and it was a “moment of truth.”

Vietnam’s COP26 commitments: a moment of truth | IUCN

The moment of truth has arrived, and Vietnam is increasing their coal imports for the next thirteen years.

Vietnam to increase coal imports in 2025-2035 period: Ministry | National | SGGP English Edition

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Sizzling October

The press says 66 degrees in London this week is caused by global warming. During October 1921, London reached 84F.

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The Left Can’t Debate – So They Cheat

Yet another atrocity against voters and free speech committed by PBS and Arizona State University.

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Disrupting Democracy Vs Fortifying It

When wealthy Democrats corrupt an election, the press calls that “fortifying democracy” – but when a rich Republican tries to stop Democrats from corrupting elections, the press calls that “disrupting democracy.”

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2653 Days Left For The Planet

According to Congressional climate expert Alexandria Cortez, the burning of fossil fuels will destroy the planet in 2,653 days.

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Even more climate misinformation from Joe Biden

Even more climate misinformation from Joe Biden

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