Arctic Ice-Free By 2040

“The Arctic may be close to a tipping point that sees all-year-round ice disappear very rapidly in the next few decades, US scientists have warned.

The latest data presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting suggests the ice is no longer showing a robust recovery from the summer melt.

Last month, the sea that was frozen covered an area that was two million sq km less than the historical average.

“That’s an area the size of Alaska,” said leading ice expert Mark Serreze.
“We’re no longer recovering well in autumn anymore. The ice pack may now be starting to get preconditioned, perhaps to show very rapid losses in the near future,” the University of Colorado researcher added.

The sea ice reached its minimum extent this year on 14 September, making 2006 the fourth lowest on record in 29 years of satellite record-keeping and just shy of the all time minimum of 2005.

‘Feedback loop’

Dr Serreze’s concern was underlined by new computer modelling which concludes that the Arctic may be free of all summer ice by as early as 2040.”

December 2006

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Arctic sea ice ‘faces rapid melt’

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Ominous Changes In The World’s Weather

Fortune Magazine February 1974

“Climatologists now blame those recurring droughts and floods on a global cooling trend.

It could bring massive tragedies for mankind.

The changes, which are charted on the facing page, began with a pronounced warming trend after about 1890. Mean temperatures peaked in 1945 and have been dropping sharply ever since. The total drop since the Forties — about 2.7° F.—hardly seems dramatic, but the effects have been substantial.
Icelandic fishing fleets that learned to range northward during the warm period have now had to return to traditional waters to the south. For the first time in this century, ships making for Iceland’s ports have found navigation impeded by drifting ice. Since the late Fifties, Iceland’s per-acre yield of hay has dropped 25 percent.

In North America, the armadillo extended its range as far north as Nebraska during the warming trend, and now is beating a retreat southward again. In England, the average growing season is two weeks shorter than it was prior to 1950. As Lamb puts it, “Global temperatures since 1945 constitute, we believe, the longest unbroken trend downward in hundreds of years.”

“A grim prospect for India is suggested by the chart below drawn from data compiled by Reid Bryson. Droughts in northern India declined in frequency during the period when the world was getting warmer, but have been increasing in recent years. Points on the chart indicate the proportion of weather stations whose average rainfall for the previous ten years was less than 50 percent of normal. The red line shows India’s population growth, which Bryson contends was encouraged by the unusual interlude of favorable climate.”








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The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

“Inside the right-wing conspiracy to thwart the clean energy transition”

Inside the right-wing conspiracy to thwart the clean… | Canary Media

“Climate-Science Deniers, Right-Wing Think Tanks, and Fossil Fuel Shills Are Plotting Against the Clean Energy Transition”

Climate-Science Deniers, Right-Wing Think Tanks, and Fossil Fuel Shills Are Plotting Against the Clean Energy Transition | Sierra Club

My wind and solar installation is currently producing 0 watts.

Wind and solar continue to be nearly irrelevant around the world.

Primary energy consumption by source, World

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Ice-Free Arctic Coming Soon

With ice extent above the 21st century average and little trend for seventeen years, experts have pushed their predictions of an ice-free Arctic out a few years.

“the earliest ice-free conditions (the first single occurrence of an ice-free Arctic) could occur in 2020–2030s under all emission trajectories and are likely to occur by 2050. However, daily September ice-free conditions are expected approximately 4?years earlier on average, with the possibility of preceding monthly metrics by 10?years. Consistently ice-free September conditions (frequent occurrences of an ice-free Arctic) are anticipated by mid-century (by 2035–2067)”


Projections of an ice-free Arctic Ocean | Nature Reviews Earth & Environment

Perhaps a more reasonable forecast would be 3550.

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Fighting Climate Misinformation

The Washington Post propagates huge amounts of climate misinformation, under the guise of fighting it.

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Washington Post – Squaw Valley Running out Of Snow

During 2015, the  Washington Post says Squaw Valley, California is running out of snow

Why you should be worried about declining snow cover across North America – The Washington Post

Snowfall has been increasing there since the start of the century.  They cherry-picked a low year to create a fake story.

Webcams | Palisades Tahoe

Snowfall Tracker Lake Tahoe | Palisades Tahoe

Snowfall Tracker Lake Tahoe | Palisades Tahoe

North American Fall/Winter Snow Cover has been increasing for sixty years.

Rutgers University Climate Lab :: Global Snow Lab

Rutgers University Climate Lab :: Global Snow Lab

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“Earth Is Cooling, Return of Ice Age Is Feared”

“The Earth Is Cooling, Return of Ice Age Is Feared

—Snow banks cover areas of Baffin Island today which were seasonally snow-free 30 or 40 years before the present cooling, J. T. Andrews and his colleagues at the University of Colorado at Boulder report. Similarly, pack ice around Iceland is once again becoming the serious hindrance to navigation it was during the “‘little ice age”

14 Apr 1973, Page 8 – Iowa City Press-Citizen

“The threat, according to scientists from a score of institutions who gathered at Brown University in Providence, R.I., recently to share information on “The End of the Present Interglacial,” is not that miles thick ice sheets are about to come sweeping down out of the north, returning us instantaneously to an ice-age climate.

It is rather that there are already signs that the earth is cooling in a cycle similar to those that heralded earlier great glaciations, And, while it may »e several centuries before any major global effects are felt and several thousand years before ice sheets return, preliminary signs are already apparent. Scientists fear that detailed knowledge of past climate cycles and the consequent ability to predict future timetables are still woefully inadequate.

“Global cooling and related rapid changes of environment, substantially exceeding’ the fluctuations experienced by man in historical times, can be expected within the next few millennia; perhaps even centuries,”’ according to a commentary on the Providence meeting by George J.Kukla of Lamont Doherty Geological Observatory in New York, R. K. Matthews of Brown University and J. Murray Mitchell Jr. of the National Oceanic end Atmospheric Administration.”

Aug 13, 1973, page 10 – The Berkeley Gazette at

“The Miami Herald ‘Sun, Jun 15, 1975 -Page 250

Pack ice around Iceland is becoming a serious navigation hindrance to an extent unmatched since a “little ice age” in the 17th and 18th centuries.

England’s growing season has shortened a week to two weeks since 1950 and the Arctic ice and snow cap has expanded 12 per cent since 1964.

@North Atlantic surface waters have been cooling for the last 30 years. The tepid Gulf Stream, a major warming influence on Western European weather, has retreated south about a sixth as far as it did at the height of the last full fledged ice age, 20,000 years ago, according to ocean bed fossil records.”

Jun 15, 1975, page 250 – The Miami Herald at

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“opportunity lie within diverse partnerships”

NOAA says “Sea ice extent continues to decline, with the last 17 September extents (2007-23) as the lowest on record” “yet resiliency and opportunity lie within diverse partnerships.

“More frequent extreme weather and climate events are transforming the Arctic, yet resiliency and opportunity lie within diverse partnerships.

The Arctic is increasingly warmer, less frozen, and wetter, with regional extremes in weather, climate patterns, and ecosystem responses. Centering locally and internationally-focused partnerships, long-term observations, and equitable climate solutions provides Arctic communities and nations as well as society-at-large with information and mechanisms to cope with a rapidly changing Arctic.

Sea ice extent continues to decline, with the last 17 September extents (2007-23) as the lowest on record. Sea ice extent was 6th lowest in the satellite record, since 1979.”

Report Card 2023 – NOAA Arctic

There has been no trend in maximum, mean or minimum sea ice extent over the past seventeen years, and extent this year has been above the 21st century average almost every day.

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Blaming The Weather

“Unusual weather inevitably stirs up speculation as to cause, in part, no doubt, because we like to talk about the weather anyway. Any prominent event coincident with the exceptional weather is apt to be blamed.”

July 12 1953

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Rewriting The AMO

Like almost all government climate data, the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation has been rewritten to create a non-existent warming trend.

“The AMO is currently not updated due to the source dataset (Kaplan SST) not being updated. We apologize for the inconvience. NOAA/NCEI has a time-series of the AMO based on the NOAA ERSSTV5.”

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