Miami Wasteland

This week in 1926, Miami was largely destroyed by a hurricane in America’s (inflation adjusted) most expensive natural disaster.

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1902 – Swiss Glaciers Disappearing

“Saturday 16 August 1902

Alpine Glaciers Disappearing.

Hotelkeepers in the Swiss Alps have a new trouble, and are complaining at the loss of patrons. The attractive glaciers are said to be actually passing from the landscape, and as they recede the hotels along their borders find their visitors becoming fewer. These glaciers are not running away, by any means, but they are deteriorating slowly, with a persistency that means their final annihilation. Hotels that a few years ago stood very near to a great river of slowly-moving ice, now And themselves a considerable distance away. The famous glaciers of the Rhone have shrunk several thousand feet in the Inst 20 years; considerably more than 100ft a year. A number of the well-known glaciers are also shrinking at about the same rate, and the fact is established that these reminders of the great glacial period are certainly disappearing.”

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Europe To Stop Using Natural Gas In Eight Years

“Europe—though panicked at the near term—has made it clear to potential suppliers that its appetite for natural gas will wane by 2030.”

Eni, TotalEnergies Strike Gas Offshore Cyprus at Cronos Wildcat

The Washington Post says the world will end in 2030.

Ocasio-Cortez says the world will end in 12 years. She is absolutely right. – The Washington Post

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Press Integrity Megadrought Continues To Increase

Summer of historic climate change impacts draws to a close

The “largest wildfire in New Mexico history” was started by the US government.

“The Hermits Peak Fire began April 6 as a result of the Las Dispensas prescribed fire on the Pecos/Las Vegas Ranger District of the Santa Fe National Forest.   Although forecasted weather conditions were within parameters for the prescribed fire, unexpected erratic winds in the late afternoon caused multiple spot fires that spread outside the project boundary.”

Hermits Peak Fire Information – InciWeb the Incident Information System

The supervisor in charge of the disaster was rewarded with a promotion by the Biden administration.

Santa Fe National Forest supervisor not coming back to N.M. | Local News |

New Mexico just had one of their wettest summers on record, with much of the state receiving close to their average annual rainfall since mid-June.

SW_Monsoon_TotalPrecip.png (4800×2400)

Summer temperatures in New Mexico were just about average.

US burn acreage since August 1 has been the lowest for at least a decade.

Average maximum temperatures in the US have been below average this year and the percent of hot days has been just above average.

There have been no US hurricane strikes so far this year, compared to 1886 when the US was hit by seven.

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Lithium Batteries Shut Down California Highway 1

UPDATE: Tesla’s PG&E facility at Elkhorn catches fire, shuts down Highway 1

11:20 AM · Sep 20, 2022

Moss Landing used to be California’s largest and most reliable power plant, but the state shut it down over CO2 fears and turned it into an exploding lithium battery facility.

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California Dreaming

California shut down their largest natural gas power plant and replaced it with a toxic bank of lithium batteries, which is now on fire.

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Biden Building Back Better

Joe Biden appears determined to keep the war in Ukraine going for as long as possible.

UN warns 345 million people face starvation worldwide | Hunger News | Al Jazeera

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Improving Climate

The United Nations says climate change is caused by the burning of fossil fuels.

United Nations

Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns, mainly caused by human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels.”

Twenty thousand years ago, the vast majority of the earth’s land surface was either covered with ice or was extreme desert. The climate is much better now.

Early Human Evolution: Climate Change and Human Evoluti

Global land environments during the last 130,000 years

Climate alarmists can thank Fred Flintstone for the improvement.

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Next Time Will Be Really Bad

In 2011, NPR said climate change at Yellowstone Park was making bears and pine beetles hungry and was making it “very difficult for trees to regenerate at the highest elevations”

Is Climate Change Making The Nation’s Bears Hungry? : NPR


SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 2012

Study: Climate prompts beetle population explosion

By Daniel Strain ScienceNOW

Call it the beetle baby boom, (Climate change could be throwing common tree killers called mountain pine beetles into a reproductive frenzy. A new study suggests that some beetles living in Colorado, which normally reproduce just once annually, now churn out an extra generation of new bugs each year. And that could further devastate the region’s forests. Pine beetles, which scuttle from New Mexico north into Canada, are trouble for trees, says study co-author Jeffry Mitton, an evolutionary geneticist at the University of Colorado, Boulder.”

25 Mar 2012, Page 2 – Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at

The following year the pine beetle infestation stopped, but experts warned next time will be much worse because of “climate change.”

Environment: Are Colorado’s majestic high country spruce forests next on the bark beetle hit list? | Summit County Citizens Voice

In 2018 “The Conversation” said Yellowstone trees had recovered very well from the 1988 fires, but warned that next time will be much worse due to climate change.

Here’s how forests rebounded from Yellowstone’s epic 1988 fires – and why that could be harder in the future

The Conversation also said they believed in the “free flow of information.”

The following year “The Conversation” banned conversation about climate.

The Conversation’s ban on climate change ‘deniers’ fails basics of academic rigour

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Plummeting September 22 Temperatures

Average maximum September 22 temperatures at McLeansboro, Illinois have dropped more than ten degrees since 1940, when they reached 101F.

McLeansboro, IL Weather Conditions | Weather Underground

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