“global cooling process that is causing erratic weather”

“Shifts In World Climate Since 1945 Help Explain Severe Food Crisis


WASHINGTON — The devastating food shortage that has millions of the world’s poor people in its grip is directly related to what climatologists increasingly suspect is a gradual global cooling process that is causing erratic weather changes from one year to the next,”

Oct 09, 1974 Page 25

Oct 09, 1974, page 25 – The Pittsburgh Press at Newspapers.com

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Dead At 33

“Journalist, Who Demanded Concentration Camps for Unvaccinated, Dead at 33”

Journalist, Who Demanded Concentration Camps for Unvaccinated, Dead at 33 – Slay News

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Drowning In Propaganda

Another example of the press and a government agency working together to create a 100% fictional climate story.


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Drowning In Propaganda

Sea level at Stockholm has been falling at a rate of 3.9 mm/year since the 1880s, but Reuters says sea level is about to start rising there.

Sea Level Trends – NOAA Tides & Currents

“Global sea levels are rising about 4 mm a year, double the rate of the 20th century, and may soon overtake the 5 mm annual rise in land elevation in the Stockholm region.”

Sea level rise now menaces even a Viking bastion of uplifted land | Context


This is based on a graph from NASA showing a sharp increase in sea level rise rates at the  same time when satellites started being used.

Sea Level | Vital Signs – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

The 2018 version of the same graph from NASA looked completely different.

Sea Level | Vital Signs – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

Few if any of the of the tide gauges show the increase in rise rates which NASA claims.


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Labor Day Hurricane 1935

“Attendant winds on September 2 were of phenomenal violence as is shown by physical effects almost equivalent to those experienced in tornadoes. One observer reported his house partially demolished by a wind-driven beam, 6 by 8 inches in section and 18 feet long, which was blown 800 yards from another building; this occurred at a time nearly 3 hours in advance of arrival of the calm center. It was this observer’s impression that the winds were still more violent afterward. The lenses. and 3/8-inch protecting glass of Alligator Reef Lighthouse, 135 feet above sea level, were reported to have been completely destroyed by the hurricane; and it is unlikely that this destruction could have been produced by flying debris.It seems safe to estimate that winds of 150 to 200 miles per hour occurred near and over the Keys, with gusts probably exceeding 200 miles per hour.

Over # distance of about 30 miles, from the settlement of Tavernier (about 25°01’ N., 80°32’ W.) to Vaca Keys, the destruction of buildings, roads, viaducts, and bridges was practically complete.


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“passed an ominous tipping point”

“Arctic Sea Ice Gone in Summer Within Five Years?

Seth Borenstein in Washington
Associated Press
December 12, 2007

An already relentless melting of the Arctic greatly accelerated this summer – a sign that some scientists worry could mean global warming has passed an ominous tipping point.

One scientist even speculated that summer sea ice could be gone in five years.

“The Arctic is screaming,” said Mark Serreze, senior scientist at the government’s snow and ice data center in Boulder, Colorado.

Just last year two top scientists surprised their colleagues by projecting that the Arctic sea ice was melting so rapidly that it could disappear entirely by the summer of 2040.

This week, after reviewing his own new data, NASA climate scientist Jay Zwally said: “At this rate, the Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free at the end of summer by 2012, much faster than previous predictions.”

Arctic Sea Ice Gone in Summer Within Five Years?

Since then there has been no trend in the Arctic sea ice minimum, maximum or mean extent..


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Heatwaves Of 1895

There was a global heatwave and drought during 1895 and 1896 which led to the deaths of tens of millions of people around the world. In Ohio, there were more record warm days during 1895 than during any other year.

The record heatwaves of 1895 peaked on May 4, June 2, September 21 and December 20.

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“Dam across the Bering Straits?”

“LOS ANGELES (UPI) President Ford and Soviet leaders may discuss at their Nov. 23-24 1974 Vladisvostok conference damming the Bering Straits between Alaska and Siberia to warm the earth’s climate, a former Pentagon think-tank analyst said Tuesday,

Lowell Ponte, a former arms technologist turned columnist, said such a project has been under discussion between the two countries since 1972.

Ponte said the earth’s climate is cooling at a rapid rate and may be headed into another ice age which could over-cool the planet’s arable land and bring starvation to millions.”

20 Nov 1974, 12 – The Independent at Newspapers.com

“27 Dec 1974, Fri -Page 6 LOS ANGELES (UPI)

Some scientists believe the earth is cooling and heading into another Ice Age. Specialists in a separate part of the scientific community see the Bering Strait as the “thermostat” of the world.

A former Pentagon “think tank” research consultant turned journalist has dovetailed the two ideas.

Lowell Ponte of Los Angeles says damming the Bering Strait across its 56-mile wide mouth between Siberia and Alaska could change the cold and warm climates sufficiently to control earth’s climate and reverse a trend of crowns which burden people in need of food.

More than two years ago, physicist Clyde Cowen, then at Catholic University in Washington and co-discoverer of the neutrino — the suallest particle of an atom — suggested such a dam to the government.

It was noted by climatologists that the earth began a cooling period about the 15th Century. It was not until about 1890 that the earth warmed up significantly. And during a period of little more than 50 years — until about 1945 — crops became more abundant and the world’s population more than doubled.

After about 1949, the cooling was noticeable again Alexander noted that the total drop since the 1940s has. been about 2.7 degrees. While the change seems small, the effects have been dramatic to farmers and fishermen.

27 Dec 1974, 6 – The Santa Fe New Mexican at Newspapers.com

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“man-induced drought”

Blaming the worldwide drought of 1934 on farmers in the Oklahoma Panhandle.

“The Dustbowl occurred during the 1930s because of a combination of man-induced drought and the (mis)use of relatively new farming practices.

climate – What started the US Dust Bowl of the 1930s, and could it happen again? – Earth Science Stack Exchange

Locator-map-Dust-Bowl.jpg (2000×1340)

psi-193407.gif (690×488)

NASA and NOAA had good reason to make the heat of 1934 disappear. The heat and drought was global, the Arctic was dissolving, England was going to drown, and the whole world had “freak weather.”  If people knew about that, it would wreck their global warming scam.

NASA 1999    NASA 2019



HEAVY CROP LOSSES. (Australian Cable Service.)


A blasting heat wave with the tem-perature around 100 swept the Western Canadian prairies again to-day, extending from Edmonton to Regina, and then southward through the Dakotas to Nebraska, roughly comprising a third of the territory of the United States and Canada.


The Canadian Government has issued a bulletin describing as ex-tremely serious the crop situation. The losses through failed crops in these 18 States are estimated at 1,500,000,000 dollars.

31 May 1934 – [?] WAVE. WHOLE WORLD AFFECTED. – Trove

03 Feb 1934 – “WORLD HEATING UP.” – Trove

1934 and 1936 were unprecedented years for heat and drought in US. But the extreme weather wasn’t just in the US – it was global.  Click on the 1934 LA Times below to see it full sized.

30 Dec 1934, Page 13 – The Los Angeles Times at Newspapers.com

During 1934, the world experienced unprecedented drought and heat.

22 Jun 1934, Page 3 – Hartford Courant at Newspapers.com

22 Jun 1934 – EARTH GROWING WARMER – Trove

04 Jun 1934 – WORLD DROUGHT – Trove

19 Jul 1934 – DROUGHT IN ENGLAND. – Trove

03 Jan 1934 – GRIPPED BY DROUGHT – Trove

25 May 1934 – DROUGHT IN S.A. – Trove

31 May 1934 – CROP FAILURES IN RUSSIA – Trove

07 Jun 1934 – LONDON’S WORST DROUGHT IN 180 YEARS – Trove

31 May 1934 – [?] WAVE. WHOLE WORLD AFFECTED. – Trove

07 Jun 1934 – ANTARCTIC HEAT WAVE. – Trove

The Southeast Missourian – Google News Archive Search

Gettysburg Times – Google News Archive Search

12 May 1934, 13 – The Guardian at Newspapers.com

19 Jan 1934, Page 10 – The Sydney Morning Herald at Newspapers.com

05 Jun 1934, Page 5 – The News-Chronicle at Newspapers.com

psi-193407.gif (690×488)

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Academics For Genocide

“How many people did Genghis Khan kill? So many that it was good for the environment

The genocide had major consequences for the entire planet.

Genghis Khan might have been the greenest invader of all time. His bloody conquests killed tens of millions of people. But at the same time, he killed so many people that in the path of his invasion, huge swathes of cultivated land returned to forests, eliminating a huge amount of carbon from the atmosphere.

Genghis Khan’s legacy still haunts mankind to this day.
When some 600 years after your lifetime, people don’t refer to you by your real name, but by a name meaning “Supreme Ruler” (which is what “Genghis Khan” means), you’ve done some things in life.

In just a lifetime, Genghis Khan created the largest empire that ever was — larger than what the Romans did in centuries. As you might guess, he didn’t accomplish this through peaceful negotiation and smooth diplomacy — Genghis Khan was a conqueror by force.

The wars led in his name killed some 40 million people (about 10% of the world’s population at the time)! But, as a new study showed, these bloody conquests helped the environment, removing nearly 700 million tons of carbon from the atmosphere.

While the Mongol ruler wasn’t even thinking about it, he was causing the first man-made global cooling.”

How many people did Genghis Khan kill? So many that it was good for the environment

Same story as a century ago.

The Second International Congress of Eugenics Address of Welcome

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