Boris Building Back Better

In the UK, the Bank of England expects inflation will peak at more than 13% this year, a third of UK households are set to spend more than 10% of incomes on energy, and now surging grocery costs are driving up food poverty.”

The Great European Energy Crisis Is Now Coming for Your Food – Bloomberg

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Global Warming “Could”

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Australia Skiing Doomed

Five years ago the Sydney Morning Herald announced the demise of skiing in Australia

Snowy retreat: Climate change puts Australia’s ski industry on a downhill slope

This is what it looks like today.

Snow Cams | Hotham Alpine Resort

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Washington Post : Liz Cheney Is A Jedi Knight

Opinion | Liz Cheney is the Obi-Wan to Trump’s Darth Vader – The Washington Post

If Democrats didn’t have double standards, they would have no standards at all.

Liz Cheney Supports Waterboarding, Attacks CIA Torture Report | HuffPost Latest News

Don’t go away mad Liz, just go away.

I also contributed today to the FBI fundraiser for President Trump.

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Hiding The Decline In Burn Acreage

Forest fire burn acreage in the US has plummeted over the last 200 years. History destroys the Biden Administration climate narrative, so they did what they always do – they made the past disappear.

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The Green New Deal In Spain

Because of the “green” energy policies of their government, Spain doesn’t have enough electricity and is forcing people to stay hot in the summer and cold in the winter.

9:21 AM · Aug 9, 2022

12:08 AM · Aug 9, 2022

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Increase in Sea Ice Since 1990

There is a lot more sea ice in the East Siberian Sea than there was on this date in 1990.

1990                                                                             2022

Last year a lot of ships got trapped in that ice.

Early Arctic sea freeze traps 18 ships in ice near Russia | World | The Times

Arctic sea ice extent is the highest for the date since 2009, and the ice is melting very slowly.

Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

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Republicans Who Voted To Impeach President Trump

One week from today we will get rid of Liz Cheney as well.

h/t RAH

President Trump was impeached for investigating Joe Biden’s corruption and obstruction of justice in the Ukraine, which Biden bragged about in public.

Today President Trump’s home was raided by the Biden administration.

2:54 AM · Aug 9, 2022

The is the same FBI which said “no reasonable prosecutor” would prosecute Hillary for having classified emails on her bathroom server.

FBI’s Comey says ‘no reasonable prosecutor’ would bring a case against Clinton for emails

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“Inflation Reduction Bill”

“The oil market is set to tighten rapidly as winter approaches and prices are still on track to top $120 a barrel”

Oil Price Outlook: Crude May Top $120 As Markets Are Set to Tighten

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Third Most Fraudulent July On Record

US had third-hottest July on record

July temperatures were a little above average in the US.

The percent of the country reaching 95F sometime during July was well below average.

NOAA created this fraud by adding more than half a degree to 2022 temperatures and subtracting almost two degrees from 1901 temperatures.


New York Gasps in the Highest Temperature in Bureau’s History.


Mercury in Times Square at 115 —Throngs Sleep in Streets, Parks and on Beaches.


Searing Wave Sweeps Entire East—Cyclonic New England Storm Does Wide Damage.

New York and the East generally gasped in the highest temperatures in recorded weather history here yesterday as searing blasts of heat, borne out of the parched drought areas of the Middle West, converted city, town and country into one vast oven.

‘The official high reading in New York City of 102.3 was taken at 2:50 P. M., 415 feet above the sun- baked pavements and melting asphalt roadways, by Weather Bureau officials on the roof of the Whitehall Building and tempered by bay breezes.

But it did not tell the true story. The instrument for measuring the sun’s intensity set up in the Central Park Observatory by David R. Morris, meteorologist, gave a reading of 145 degrees at 12:40 P, M., while the reading in the shade was 106 degrees at 5 P. M.

115 in Times Square

In Times Square, where the western wind carried the heat against the faces of pedestrians, there were unofficial readings of 115 degrees, due to heat reflection from the sidewalks. In the canyons of the financial district men and: women. reported the heat waves visible”

TimesMachine: Friday July 10, 1936 –

14 Jul 1936, Page 1 – The Greenville News at

The most fraudulent July occurred three years ago.

NOAA Data Confirms July Was Hottest Month Ever Recorded – The New York Times

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