NBC News : Election Denier Wins Election

The same fake news agencies which pushed the baseless Russia collusion scam for four years and have been pushing the climate scam for decades, are still pretending the 2020 election was legitimate.

Kari Lake, Trump-backed election denier, wins GOP primary in Arizona governor’s race

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Better Explanation

“So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don’t even know fire is hot”

– George Orwell

Universities are dominated by left-wing professors, and college educated people tend to rely on propaganda sources like the New York Times and NPR. This makes them very easy to manipulate.

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Our View Of The Climate Emergency

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“Says Expert”

The Biden administration is encouraging millions of unknown, undocumented and uninjected aliens to move into the United States illegally, while Biden refuses to let the world’s #1 tennis player into the country because he won’t submit to a pointless and dangerous experimental injection.

An “expert” says Djokovic is being selfish for not contributing to Big Pharma’s profits.

‘Novak Djokovic was very selfish’, says expert

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A Disease So Serious …

A disease so serious, Biden needs to take a test every day to know he has it.

Biden tests COVID-19 positive for seventh straight day | The Hill

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August 6, 1930 – Record Heat, Drought, Fires And Insects

06 Aug 1930, 1 – The Whittier News at Newspapers.com

Twenty-nine states were over 100F

CA 109, IL 109, AZ 108, KY 108, MO 108, AR 106, IN 106, TN 106, MS 105, WV 105, GA 104, KS 104, ND 104, UT 104, ID 103, NE 103, SC 103, TX 103, AL 102, IA 102, MT 102, OK 102, SD 102, VA 102, LA 101, MD 101, NC 101, WA 101, PA 100

Forty-five states were over 90F

CO 99, OR 99, FL 98, NJ 98, NM 98, OH 98, NY 97, DE 96, MN 96, NV 96, MI 95, WY 95, WI 94, CT 91, MA 91, RI 91

From the book Washington Weather.

“The Record Hot Summer of 1930

The summer of 1930 made headlines due to unprecedented heat and drought that caused disastrous crop failures throughout the United States. The summer of 1930 ushered in the “Dust Bowl” era of unusually hot, dry summers that plagued the U.S. during much of the 1930’s.

Washington area farmers were certainly not spared in 1930, as intense, prolonged hot spells gripped the region during late July and early ‘August. The official temperature recorded on July 20 was 106°F, which holds the record as the highest temperature ever recorded in Washington. Unofficially, 110°F was recorded that same day on Pennsylvania Avenue and 108°F was recorded at the National Cathedral. The summer of 1930 also set the record for number of days where temperatures reached or exceeded 100°F at 11 days.”

Andy Weiss was one of the co-authors of that book. He used to contribute a lot of information to this blog under the name Andy DC. Andy passed away during May of 2019.  He was also a golf long-ball driving champion.

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Record Heat, Drought, Fires And Insects

The historical record provides no evidence to support the superstition that increased CO2 levels produce bad weather.

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UK Government Calls Protesters Irresponsible

The UK government has been shutting down their nuclear and coal fired power plants, which has made electricity unaffordable for millions of people – and they call people who protest their malfeasance “irresponsible.”

Hinkley B: UK’s most productive nuclear power plant closes – BBC News

U.K. To End All Coal Power In 2024, Accelerating Emissions Goal

National Energy Action (NEA) – the UK’s leading fuel poverty charity

4:01 PM · Jun 18, 2022

Campaign calling on people to stop paying energy bills branded ‘highly irresponsible’ | Yorkshire Post

The UK government has a solution though. They are changing the definition of fuel poverty.

“the Government projects that fuel poverty will continue to decline in England in 2021 and 2022 despite very large increases in prices. This is due to a number of different factors including how fuel poverty is defined in England,”

Fuel poverty in the UK – House of Commons Library

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China Officially Withdraws From The Climate Scam

China’s suspension of bilateral climate talks with U.S. ‘punishes the world,’ Kerry says | Reuters

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“Irresponsible Protesters”

The UK government says they are reducing fuel poverty by changing the definition of fuel poverty. The people don’t have enough bread, so let them eat cake.

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