The 99% Consensus

All fake news from the New York Times and Washington Post – all the time.

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Arizona Megadrought and The Arizona Republic: Phoenix and Arizona news

10:15 AM · Aug 4, 2022

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The 99% Consensus

Only 1% of Americans view global warming as their top priority.

Climate Change Legislation Stalls Amid Growing Inflation Concerns – The New York Times

Summers in Maricopa County have always been unbearable, but that hasn’t prevented it from becoming the fourth most populous county in the US.

30 Jun 1974, Page 31 – Arizona Republic at

Maricopa County, Arizona – Wikipedia

The Great Salt Lake has been drying up for 170 years.

06 Aug 1902, 1 – The Idaho Statesman at

29 Sep 1951 – “HERALD” SATURDAY MAGAZINE Glaciers, Icebergs Meit As World Gets Warmer – Trove

The electric grid in Texas is imperiled because they became dependent on wind energy,

“Texas has the most wind power in the country, but the wind does not blow during the summer.”

Heat waves pushes Texas power grid into red zone | Reuters

On February 12, 2021 USA Today bragged that up to two-thirds of Texas electricity was generated by wind.

Wind energy: Texas, Wyoming and Joe Biden’s climate plan

Two days later the wind turbines froze up as did many people in Texas when the ERCOT grid collapsed.


USA changed their story and said the failure of Texas wind was a “warning to Biden and all of us.”

Renewable energy really is part of the cause of Texas’ blackouts

The trend in Texas summer afternoon temperatures has generally been downwards over the past century.

Louisiana is sinking.

These six factors explain why Louisiana is rapidly losing land; see graphics | News |

Miami is just above sea level and floods from time to time, like in 1926.

20 Sep 1926, 12 – The Vancouver Sun at

The beach at Ft. Lauderdale is the same size it was 25 years ago.

It is also the same size it was 60 years ago.



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The Root Of The Problem

We have a system which rewards people for being dishonest and corrupt, and punishes people for telling the truth.

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The Fake News Never Stops

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Energy Disinformation Agency

Half of the climate scam is fake news about the causes of bad weather, and the other half is fake news about “green” energy.

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Kentucky Climate Crisis

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Cambridge University : Global Warming To End The Human Race

Climate change: Potential to end humanity is ‘dangerously underexplored’ say experts

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Tropics Destroyed Two Years Ago

“The first study to integrate all prior scientific research in order to project approximately when climate change will produce permanent catastrophic consequences has been accepted and will soon be published in the scientific journal Nature, and it finds that things will start going haywire in the tropics at around the year 2020, and in our part of the world at around 2047.”

Climate Catastrophe Will Hit Tropics Around 2020, Rest Of World Around 2047, Study Says | HuffPost Impact

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The Fake News Never Stops

Water levels in the Rio Grande are above normal, and the press says it is drying up.

A race to save fish as Rio Grande dries, even in Albuquerque – ABC News

USGS | National Water Dashboard

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