Journalism Runs Completely Dry

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“a glut of cheap power”

“Britain will soon have a glut of cheap power, and world-leading batteries to store it

Trailblazing Britain is leading the most ambitious rollout of offshore wind in the world

28 July 2022 – 5:09pm

Today’s electricity price shock is the last crisis of the old order. Britain will soon have far more power at times of peak production than it can absorb. The logistical headache will be abundance.

Wind and solar provided almost 60pc of the UK’s power for substantial stretches last weekend, briefly peaking at 66pc.”

Britain will soon have a glut of cheap power, and world-leading batteries to store it

Wind power production as a percentage

“Britain’s power grid raised the prospect of a tight energy supply this winter, publishing an unusual early forecast to help the energy industry prepare”

Britain’s Power Grid Warns of Tight Energy Supply – The New York Times

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Women And Children First

Adults won’t take climate change seriously. So we, the youth, are forced to strike. – Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

International Women’s day reminds us women hold the key to curbing climate change (Opinion) – CNN

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Logic And Proportion

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BBC Is Upset

The BBC and the Met Office are upset people aren’t buying their anti-energy propaganda and hysteria based on two hot days last week – and apparently they are blaming some of the rejection of their propaganda on me.

“BBC meteorologist Matt Taylor said he had never experienced anything like it in nearly 25 years working in weather. The Royal Meteorological Society condemned the trolling. Most of the abuse seems to have been prompted as links were made between the heatwave and climate change.”

“Met Office lead meteorologist Alex Deakin said “it’s scary in some ways”, adding: “I find it more frustrating and offensive for my colleagues – some of the great minds in climate science. Show a bit of respect and do a bit more research rather than just believe Bob down the pub or Tony on YouTube.””

UK heatwave: Weather forecasters report unprecedented trolling – BBC News

London, United Kingdom Weather Calendar | Weather Underground

If “some of the great minds in climate science” knew what they were talking about, they would know that it wasn’t a heatwave at all.  According to the WMO, a heatwave lasts a minimum of five days.

“The World Meteorological Organization defines (heatwave) as five or more consecutive days during which the daily maximum temperature surpasses the average maximum temperature by 5 °C (9 °F) or more.”

heat wave | meteorology | Britannica

In 1976, the UK had an actual heatwave – sixteen consecutive days averaging over 90F.

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“NASA says”

According to USA Today, NASA says “modern climate change” is caused by the burning of fossil fuels.

So what caused the last 4.5 billion years of climate change?

“The climates of the earth have always been changing, and they will doubtless continue to do so in the future. How large these future changes will be, and where and how rapidly they will occur, we do not know.”


The National Geographic Archive | November 1976 | page 1

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Russia Building Their Largest Oil Terminal

“MOSCOW, July 26 (Reuters) – Russian energy giant Rosneft (ROSN.MM) said on Tuesday it has started construction of an Arctic oil terminal at the Bukhta Sever port, part of its huge Vostok Oil project, aimed at facilitating development of the Northern Sea Route.

The port will become Russia’s largest oil terminal with 102 reservoirs to be built by 2030, the company said.”

Russia’s Rosneft starts construction of huge Arctic oil terminal | Reuters

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Journalism May Never Recover

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Computer Models To Starve Animals

The new model is even more useless than the previous one.

“There could be more rainfall than snow in the Arctic in as little as 30 years because of the world’s changing climate, according to a new study that predicts the transition will happen decades earlier than previously anticipated.”

Arctic could see more rain than snow in 30 years, study suggests | The Independent Barents Observer

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May 1922 – 94F In Paris – Alps Glaciers Melting

Hottest May Day in 116 Years.
90 Degrees in Alps~Glaciers Are Melting.

Paris, May 24 (By the Associated Press)—Paris today experienced the hottest May day in 116 years, the thermometer hitting 94 1-10 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade at 3:45 o’clock this afternoon. This city was one of many European capitals to experience a similar heat wave that began sweeping’ western Europe five days ago.

The heat here generated a peculiarly stifling haze, although the sky was blue throughout France, The Weather Bureau predicts continued heat with possibly an even higher temperature tomorrow

90 Degrees in Alps.

Geneva, May 24—The heat we the Alps region has broken a record for the month of May thermometer at a number of points today registering 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Snow and glaciers are melting rapidly and the Rhine and Rhone Rivers are rising. :

It was reported today that an avalanche, released by the heat, destroyed an Alpine clubhouse on the summit of Mount Ferginkogel, 7,000 feet above sea level.”

24 May 1922, Page 1 – The Brooklyn Daily Eagle at

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