Heating Adelaide

Thermometers show that Adelaide summers have been cooling for 150 years, but NOAA tampers with the data to turn a cooling trend into a warming trend.

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The Climate Data Corruption Business

In 1984, NASA’s James Hansen predicted 4-5C warming for the US.

Wayback Machine

Fifteen years later Hansen was upset that the US wasn’t warming as he predicted.

NASA GISS: Science Briefs: Whither U.S. Climate?

So they started tampering with the data. In the 2005 USHCN documentation, US temperature adjustments were 0.5F. Since then the adjustments have quadrupled.

Wayback Machine

This graph of US temperatures was posted by NASA in 1999, showing a strong cooling trend from the 1930’s through the end of the century. The years 1934 and 1998 are circled.


NASA 1999

And this is NASA’s current graph, which now shows a strong warming trend during that period.


NASA 2019

There has been a sharp decline in hot summer afternoons in the US

Wyoming – State Climate Summaries 2022

There is a close correlation between summer average maximum temperature and number of 90F days.

Continue reading

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Dr Clauser Lecture

2022 Nobel Laureate in Physics Dr. John Clauser discusses climate.

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US Climate Leadership

“Biden taps John Podesta as his top climate envoy to replace John Kerry: Obama official embroiled in Hillary Clinton email saga gets post to push Joe’s ambitious green agenda

‘Secretary Kerry has put the U.S. back in leadership on climate around ‘the world, Podesta told the Washington Post. ‘And we’ll ensure that we keep up the momentum that has been built up through his efforts.”

Biden taps John Podesta as his top climate envoy to replace John Kerry: Obama official embroiled in Hillary Clinton email saga gets post to push Joe’s ambitious green agenda | Daily Mail Online

Global Monitoring Laboratory – Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases

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“allowing ships to cross the Arctic Ocean”

“The North Pole will turn into an open sea during summer within a decade, according to a team of explorers who trekked through the Arctic for three months

Their findings show that most of the ice in the region is first-year ice around 6 feet deep and will melt next summer.”

October 14, 2009

Explorers: North Pole summers ice free in 10 years – The Mercury News

“The Arctic will be largely ice-free during the summer within a decade, according to new evidence collected by Pen Hadow and his team.

By Louise Gray and Louisegray 15 October 2009 • 7:00am

Pen Hadow took more than 1,500 measurements of sea ice

The average thickness of ice floes was 1.8 metres

An analysis by Cambridge University has concluded that the Arctic is now melting at such a rate that it will be largely ice free within ten years, allowing ships to cross the Arctic Ocean.

Further analysis by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) warned that the “irreversible trend” will cause dangerous feedback because water absorbs more heat from the sun than ice, therefore further speeding up the global warming process”

Arctic will be ice-free in a decade, according to Pen Hadow

Here is the same story from 1958

“Some scientists estimate that the polar ice pack is 40 per cent thinner and 12 per cent less in area than it was a half-century ago, and that even within the lifetime of our children the Arctic Ocean may open, enabling ships to sail over the North Pole,”

Although the idea that a solid ice sheet covers the central Arctic has lingered stubbornly in the popular fancy, the northern cap of ice worn by our planet is actually a thin crust on the whole, only about seven feet thick—over an ocean two miles deep in places.”

TimesMachine: October 19, 1958 – NYTimes.com

There has been no trend in Arctic sea ice over the past seventeen years, and the ice is still about two meters thick.


FullSize_CICE_combine_thick_SM_EN_20240201.png (1400×1213)

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True Blue Climate Scientists

“Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”
? Albert Einstein

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True Blue Climate Scientists

NASA has determined global temperatures very precisely from the year 1884, with most of the world cold, but a noticeable hot spot in west Africa.

Global Temperature | Vital Signs – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

They only have data from one station in west Africa from 1884, and very little for most of the rest of the world

The one station they have from 1884 in west Africa is at Freetown, Sierra Leone.

You can see hot temperature in 1884, though they only have seven months of records from that year.

But how did they determine that the rest of Africa was cold?

Five independent  groups came to the same precise conclusion as NASA.

World of Change: Global Temperatures

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“Climate change has killed 4 million people since 2000”

Death rates from natural disasters are down 95% over the past century, but the press wants people to believe the exact opposite.

“Climate change has killed 4 million people since 2000 — and that’s an underestimate”

Climate change has killed 4 million people since 2000 — and that’s an underestimate | Grist

“Disasters include all geophysical, meteorological and climate events including earthquakes, volcanic activity, landslides, drought, wildfires, storms, and flooding.”

Natural Disasters Data Explorer – Our World in Data

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National Heatwave Propaganda

More scientifically baseless and indefensible propaganda in the National Climate Assessment.

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Record Rainfall And Drought

The press says the western US is experiencing thousand year rainfall and five hundred year drought, and that increased soil moisture causes drought.

How Thousand-Year Storms Snuck Up On CA And Why We May Not Be Done | Los Angeles, CA Patch

“These hot temperatures have increased the soil moisture, which in turn has contributed to the severity and frequency of drought.”

Western US Seeing Extreme Weather ‘Unprecedented’ in 500 Years

The good news is that people in Colorado can overcome climate anxiety by pretending to be  a butterfly.

Overwhelmed by climate anxiety? Try becoming a butterfly (or pretending to) | Colorado Public Radio

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