Hottest Year Ever

Global sea ice extent is declining at a record slow rate. Experts say it is the hottest year ever.

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Democracy Expert Michael Mann

According to Michael Mann, communism is necessary to maintain democracy.

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Record Heat Of Late September 1953

“Midwest Swelters In Unusual Fall Heat Wave
An unprecedented autumn heat Wave seared a large area of the ‘mid-continent like a blast from summer’s weather oven Tuesday. ‘Old heat records were vaporized into oblivion.

The mercury bounded to 99.2 degrees in Chicago. It smashed the old 87 degree record for the date by 12.2 degrees. The old record had stood since 1898. The new reading also set a new record of 41 days of 90-degree or higher temperatures for the year and is the highest on record for so late in the season. The temperature soared to 97 degrees in Indianapolis, topping the previous high reading of 88 for the date by nine degrees.

The 101 recorded, at St. Louis made if the hottest day this late in the season in the 80-year-old annals of the weather bureau. It was the 78th day of 90-plus heat there this year—also a record.

The mercury hit 101 at Little Rock, Ark., 100 at Quincy, Il., 97 at Nashville, Tenn., and 95.3 at Oklahoma City, Okla.”

30 Sep 1953

30 Sep 1953, Page 1 – The Jacksonville Daily Journal at

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Global Warming Vs. Climate Change

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New York Times Rewriting Their History

The New York Times published this graph today showing the opposite of past issues.


“Warming? Tree Rings Say Not Yet”
Dec. 1, 1992

In Unexpected Places, Clues to Ancient and Future Climate; Warming? Tree Rings Say Not Yet – The New York Times

“U.S. Data Since 1895 Fail To Show Warming Trend”
January 26, 1989

TimesMachine: January 26, 1989 –

International Team of Specialists Finds No End in Sight to 30?Year Cooling Trend in Northern Hemisphere – The New York Times

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The World’s Smartest Person

A five sigma climate misinformation event from academia and the Australian Broadcast Corporation.


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Settled Science

At 5:42 PM, the Green District Councillor in Essex said “CO2 is the main driver of global warming.”  At 6:29 PM he said “Ice ages are driven by the MK Mechanism. CO2 responds to that and acts as an amplifier.

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Record Heat In 1907

“The Fort Worth Record and Register 02 Mar 1907, Sat -Page 5

NEW HEAT RECORD MADE IN FEBRUARY February set a new record for heat in the vicinity of Fort Worth with the average of 52 degrees, or an average of 6 degrees above the normal conditions. The average for the year so far is 7 degrees above the dally normal temperature. The highest temperature for the month was 81 degrees on Feb. 18, and the lowest was 22 degrees Feb. 4”

02 Mar 1907, 5 – The Fort Worth Record and Register at

“New-York Tribune 30 Mar 1907, Sat -Page 2

Philadelphia, March 29.—The temperature reached 86 degrees in this city to-day at 2:20 o’clock p. m., making it the warmest March day since the establishment of the local branch of the government weather bureau. The mean temperature was 74 and the lowest was 63 degrees. ‘The normal temperature for the day would have been 44.”

30 Mar 1907, 2 – New-York Tribune at

“The Herald 27 Mar 1907, Wed -Page 8 The Records Broken.

It has been many years since the weather was as warm in the month of March as it has been this year, We doubt very much if even the “‘oldest inhabitant” can remember a time when the temperature reached as high a point in March as it did on last Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
It is claimed that no such weather has been known in Charleston since the establishment of the weather bureau thirty-five years ago, On last Saturday the temperature in that city reached 94.2 degrees at 2:30 in the afternoon, June and July rarely ever bring any warmer weather than this,”

27 Mar 1907, 8 – The Herald at

From March 16-30, 1907 Darlington, SC averaged 86F and peaked at 99F on March 23.

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UHI At San Antonio, Texas

“Differences in the average daily temperature minima (nighttime) of San Antonio relative to New Braunfels for the summer months from 1946 to 1990 (dark line). The warming trend due to the UHI in San Antonio is shown by the red line, which represents a least-squares fit to the data.”

“The UHI effect itself may be an important contributor to the investigation of global warming. Most temperature measurements are made at weather stations located at airports, which are intense heat islands because of their long runways, terminals, large parking lots, and buildings. A question thus arises about the significance of these measurements influenced by the UHI in relation to global warming.”

The heat is on …

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Lowest Ice Extent In 7.5 Billion Years

December 28 Antarctic sea ice extent is higher than 1979, 1982, 1996, 2005 and most of the last seven years.

S_20231228_extn_v3.0.png (420×500)
S_19791228_extn_v3.0.png (420×500)

Experts say extent is the lowest in 7.5 billion years and vast regions of the coast were free of ice.

“we’d expect to see a winter like this about once every 7.5 billion years”

Antarctic sea ice levels dive in ‘five-sigma event’, as experts flag worsening consequences for planet – ABC News

S_20230912_extn_v3.0.png (420×500)

December is the big month for Antarctic sea ice loss (averaging 6,530,271 km.sq. loss) and this month has been third lowest on record (so far) at 5,026,875.

Climate Reanalyzer

It was actually less than three sigma deviation from the mean.

Four sigma deviations are common with weather.

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