Lowest Ice Extent In 7.5 Billion Years

December 28 Antarctic sea ice extent is higher than 1979, 1982, 1996, 2005 and most of the last seven years.

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S_19791228_extn_v3.0.png (420×500)

Experts say extent is the lowest in 7.5 billion years and vast regions of the coast were free of ice.

“we’d expect to see a winter like this about once every 7.5 billion years”

Antarctic sea ice levels dive in ‘five-sigma event’, as experts flag worsening consequences for planet – ABC News

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December is the big month for Antarctic sea ice loss (averaging 6,530,271 km.sq. loss) and this month has been third lowest on record (so far) at 5,026,875.

Climate Reanalyzer

It was actually less than three sigma deviation from the mean.

Four sigma deviations are common with weather.

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Heatwave Of September, 1925

During September 1925, parts of the Southeastern US averaged ten degrees above normal.

Wayback Machine

“FOR the seventh consecutive day and for the 31st time ‘in 30 years, 10 of which have been within the past 20 days, the thermometer here soared above 100 degrees Wednesday as Birmingham’s record heat wave continued without a letup

At 11:45 this. morning; the Weather Bureau thermometer at Fountain Heights read 102 degrees, but a passing cloud caused it to drop back to 101 at noon, At 12:30, It had risen to 103, but by 1 p. m. it had slipped back to 101, Indications were that the temperature would go higher during the day, and possibly equal the record of 106 degrees, set during the present wave.

Yesterday’s high mark was 105 degrees, reached between 2 and 3 p.m,

The blistering heat and accompanying drouth is causing great damage to crops in this section.

Terrific hail storm in the neighborhood of Calera caused still further damage late Monday.”

The Birmingham Post   09 Sep 1925, Wed ·Page 1

09 Sep 1925, 1 – The Birmingham Post at Newspapers.com


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Heatwave Of Early July 1905

Arizona’s most intense heatwave occurred during early July 1905, and California was nearly as hot.

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Hottest Year Ever

December 26 Arctic sea ice extent was the highest in twenty years, and Antarctic sea ice extent is higher than 1979, 1982 and 1996.

Index of /NOAA/G02135/


At the current rate of decline, the Arctic will be ice-free around the year 3549, when Al Gore is 1,601 years old.

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Wyoming Climate Comparable To New South Wales

Damien lives near Canberra and says the climate there is similar to Wyoming.

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Heatwave Of March 20, 1907

On March 20, 1907 California was flooded and it was 102 degrees in Oklahoma.

20 Mar 1907, Page 1 – The Evening Herald at Newspapers.com

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Making The Data Better

A look at the nonsensical and comedic data tampering US government agencies are engaged in altering the Icelandic temperature record.

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April 1930 Heatwave

On April 11, 1930 the average temperature around the state of Illinois was 92F

11 Apr 1930, 32 – Evening Express at Newspapers.com

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Models Predict

“Coronavirus pandemic could have caused 40 million deaths if left unchecked”

26 March 2020

Coronavirus pandemic could have caused 40 million deaths if left unchecked | Imperial News | Imperial College London

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Al Gore’s Forecast

At the Nobel Prize ceremony in 2007, Al Gore predicted an ice-free Arctic by 2014.
This year’s summer sea ice extent was higher than 2007 every day from July through October


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