Magical Wind Power

“Wind Turbine Coupled with Perpetual Motion

model will be constructed to apply our idea on a wind turbine, last we started tests on both a normal wind turbine and a wind turbine with a perpetual motion blades and observed the results, which led us to conclude that perpetual motion can be applied on wind turbine and have a better results depending on the design.”

Wind Turbine Coupled with Perpetual Motion | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore

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Drowned New York Beaches

In 1995, the New York Times predicted most East Coast beaches would be gone by 2020.

Scientists Say Earth’s Warming Could Set Off Wide Disruptions – The New York Times

Jones Beach has expanded considerably since then.

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“unprecedented melting of the arctic ice fields.”

The Atlanta Constitution 17 Sep 1911, Sun -Page 6″Ice Shortage Even in Arctic.

Reports from Baffin bay and the other waters around Greenland also tell of an unprecedented melting of the arctic ice fields.”

17 Sep 1911, Page 6 – The Atlanta Constitution at

According to Michael Mann, that period of time was the coldest in a millennium.


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Erasing The MWP And LIA

In 1992 the New York Times announced that the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age were global, but the following year Al Gore became vice-president and the process of erasing them began.

“We can now see that these were global climate phenomena, not regional temperature variations,” she said. “The question is, how did we get those warmer temperatures during pre-industrial times, and what can we learn from those conditions about what is going on today?”

December 1, 1992

In Unexpected Places, Clues to Ancient and Future Climate; Warming? Tree Rings Say Not Yet – The New York Times

“a number of scientists are urging that the commonly used terms “Little Ice Age” and “Medieval Warm Period” be abandoned.”

December 7, 1993

In New Data on Climate Changes, Decades, Not Centuries, Count – The New York Times

“In 1995, I published a short paper in the academic journal Science. In that study, I reviewed how borehole temperature data recorded a warming of about one degree Celsius in North America over the last 100 to 150 years. The week the article appeared, I was contacted by a reporter for National Public Radio. He offered to interview me, but only if I would state that the warming was due to human activity. When I refused to do so, he hung up on me.”

“I had another interesting experience around the time my paper in Science was published. I received an astonishing email from a major researcher in the area of climate change. He said, “We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period.”

“it would be foolish to establish national energy policy on the basis of misinformation and irrational hysteria.”

  • Dr David Deming

U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works

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Meteor Shower Of November 1833

“This morning, between half past 3 and half past 4 o’clock, there was a war of shooting stars in the northwest, For an hour meteor succeeded meteor in such rapid succession, that it was impossible to count them; at times-the sky seemed full of them, and the earth was illuminated as with a morning light.”

19 Nov 1833, 3 – Richmond Enquirer at

“the phenomenon was visible as far North as Portsmouth and Concord in N. Hampshire. —The Portsmouth Journal states, that the shooting stars continued to fall from 3 o’clock sill day-break. “Hundreds were seen at the same moment descending to the earth in every direction”

26 Nov 1833, 4 – Richmond Enquirer at

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Arctic Death Spiral Update

“you are probably looking at ice-fee summers by 2030. I’d call that a death sprital.”

Mark Serreze June 6, 2009

New NSIDC director on “death spiral” Arctic ice | Grist

“This week, after reviewing his own new data, NASA climate scientist Jay Zwally said: “At this rate, the Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free at the end of summer by 2012, much faster than previous predictions.”

December 12, 2007

Arctic Sea Ice Gone in Summer Within Five Years?

“We see a tipping point occurring right before our eyes,” Hansen told the AP before the luncheon. “The Arctic is the first tipping point and it’s occurring exactly the way we said it would,”

Hansen, echoing work by other scientists, said that in five to 10 years, the Arctic will be free of sea ice in the summer,

Longtime global warming skeptic Sen, James Inhofe, R-Okla , citing a recent poll, said in a statement, “Hansen, (former Vice President) Gore and the media have been trumpeting man-made climate doom since the 1980s, But Americans are not buying it.”

But Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., committee chairman, said, “Dr. Hansen was right. ‘Twenty years later, we recognize him as a climate prophet.”

June 24, 2008

The Argus-Press – Google News Archive Search

There has been no trend in Arctic sea ice minimum, maximum or mean extent over the past 16 years.

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Three Decades Of Climate Agreements

Three decades of what participants call a “climate agreement” have had no impact on the growth rate of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Global Monitoring Laboratory – Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases

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“almost certain”

“Santa Cruz Sentinel 07 Dec 1989, Thu -Page 14

Hansen spurred controversy when he told a U.S. Senate committee during the hot, dry summer of 1988 that he was almost certain greenhouse warming already was under way. Other scientists said if that’s true, they can’t detect such warming since it is so small compared with temperature variations caused by changes in solar heat output and other natural factors.”

07 Dec 1989, Page 14 – Santa Cruz Sentinel at

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Skiing Doomed In Ten Years

Twenty years ago the United Nations predicted doom for Kitzbuhel and Oberstdorf in 30-50 years.

“Low-lying slopes such as Kitzbuhel in Austria and Oberstdorf in Germany may receive so little snow over the next 30 to 50 years that skiing, snowboarding and tobogganing cease to be viable winter industries. The warning comes in a study by the University of Zurich for the United Nations Environment Programme.”

Global warming ‘could close half of Alpine ski resorts by 2050’

Those ski areas seem to be doing OK.


Oberstdorf webcams with a view of the Allgäu Alps

Heavy snow at St. Moritz forces cancellation of Mikaela Shiffrin’s super-G race in women’s World Cup – The Washington Post

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Hague Abandoned For 17 Years

In 2004, The Guardian said The Hague would be abandoned by 2007.

“These are some of the key findings of the 2004 report commissioned by Pentagon defence adviser Andrew Marshall.

· Future wars will be fought over the issue of survival rather than religion, ideology or national honour.

· By 2007 violent storms smash coastal barriers rendering large parts of the Netherlands uninhabitable. Cities like The Hague are abandoned. In California the delta island levees in the Sacramento river area are breached, disrupting the aqueduct system transporting water from north to south.

· Between 2010 and 2020 Europe is hardest hit by climatic change with an average annual temperature drop of 6F. Climate in Britain becomes colder and drier as weather patterns begin to resemble Siberia.

· Deaths from war and famine run into the millions until the planet’s population is reduced by such an extent the Earth can cope.

· Riots and internal conflict tear apart India, South Africa and Indonesia.”

Key findings of the Pentagon | Environment | The Guardian

It appears that the Hague is still there.

?LIVE? Live Cam The Hague – Scheveningen Boulevard | SkylineWebcams

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