London Cancels Hanukkah

The council says their antisemitism is not antisemitism.

London council cancels Hanukkah celebrations due to Israel-Hamas war – The Jerusalem Post

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Denying Scientific Principles (Part 2)

“By denying scientific principles, one may maintain any paradox. It is surely harmful to souls to make it a heresy to believe what is proved.”
– Galileo

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Beam Me Up Scotty

Captain Kirk says global warming will kill us all very quickly.

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Denying Scientific Principles (Part 2)

North American October snow cover has been increasing for 55 years, due to the freeze line moving further south.

Rutgers University Climate Lab :: Global Snow Lab

This corresponds with a decline in US October afternoon temperatures.

But NOAA tampers with the data, turning a cooling trend into a warming trend – which does not correlate with the snow record.

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Captain Kirk Says CO2 Will Kill Us All Very Soon

“Shatner — known for his role as Captain Kirk in Star Trek — shared his hopes for King Charles to be very clear about what global warming is doing to Planet Earth.

He told GMB: “He’s got to say ‘We’re all going to die’. That’s what he should say to open up with. ‘Very quickly, we’re all going to die,’ he should say.”

William Shatner urges King Charles to be blunt on climate change

Life expectancy and atmospheric CO2 concentration have closely tracked each other over the past fifty years.

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Irish Hate Crimes

Saying “Irish Lives Matter” is a hate crime in Ireland.

Saying “Irish Lives Matter” in Ireland is now considered a hate crime. : r/ireland

It also may be a hate crime in Ireland to not say “Black Lives Matter”

In Ireland, Domestic Racism and U.S. Protests Spur Push on Hate-Crime Laws Amid Vacuum – WSJ

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Burn Acreage Fraud In The 2023 National Climate Assessment

The National Climate Assessment burn acreage graph is indicative of how much fraud people pushing climate alarmism think they can get away with.

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CNN Wants Carbon Passports

“It’s time to limit how often we can travel abroad – ‘carbon passports’ may be the answer”

It’s time to limit how often we can travel abroad – ‘carbon passports’ may be the answer | CNN

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Burn Acreage Fraud In The 2023 National Climate Assessment

The figures are now available for the 2023 National Climate Assessment. They want people to believe that burn acreage is increasing in the US, so they hid all of the data which shows that it isn’t.



National Fire News | National Interagency Fire Center
National Interagency Fire Center

“Every year over 200,000 fires burn and sear the forests of the United States. Every year an average of 31,000,000 acres of forest land is burned over—an area larger than the State of New York”

Forest Fires and how You Can Prevent Them – Google Books

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Global Boiling Day 125

It has been 125 days since the United Nations announced the world is boiling due to western countries using reliable energy and transportation.

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