Terrifying Proof Of Global Warming

“It felt like 139.5 degrees Fahrenheit (59.7 degrees Celsius) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on Saturday. This is the kind of thing that happens with just a little over 1 degree Celsius of global warming today. “

Why the latest temperature check on climate change is still terrifying – The Verge

“The worst heat-and-humidity combination worldwide occurs along the Red Sea coast of Ethiopia, the Gulf of Aden coast of Somalia, and in the Persian Gulf, where summer temperatures of 100° to 110° coincide with dew points as high as 85° to 90°, creating THI temperatures of 135° to 145° on a daily basis.”

Extreme Weather – Google Books

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Popular Science : China’s Electricity To Be One Third Renewable By 2025

“China is installing new renewable energy rapidly, expecting to hit about a third of its total grid energy use from renewables by 2025”

Why China just can’t seem to quit coal | Popular Science

Electricity production by source, China

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“You can get people to say anything”

“Roswell, N. M., July 8. 1947—UP
Possession of a “flying disc” was disclosed today by the intelligence officer of the 509th bomb group of the Roswell army air base,

Officers at the base say that the “disc” was flown in a super- fortress to “higher headquarters” undisclosed.”

08 Jul 1947, Page 1 – Medford Mail Tribune at Newspapers.com

“09 Jul 1947, Wed -Page 38

War Propaganda

(Chicago Tribune Press Service)
DAYTON, Ohlo, July 8—Orville Wright, co-inventor of the airplane, said Tuesday that he believes the flying saucer craze is “propaganda started by the government support the current state department campaign to get us into another war”

“It is more propaganda for war, to stir up the people and excite them to believe a foreign power has designs on this nation,” said the 75+ year-old scientist,

Wright said he does not believe there is any scientific basis for the “saucers.” “You can get people to say anything,” he commented. “The American people have reached a pretty low level to be taken in by sheer propaganda.”

09 Jul 1947, 38 – The Daily Oklahoman at Newspapers.com

07 Jul 1947, 1 – The Sacramento Bee at Newspapers.com

09 Jul 1947, 38 – The Daily Oklahoman at Newspapers.com

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Crashing The Climate

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”
? H.L. Mencken

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Groups Who Endanger You

According Michael Mann, climate deniers join the ranks of the unvaccinated and unmasked as a threat to the world.

2:47 PM · Nov 28, 2023

The Unvaccinated Are a Risk to All of Us – Bloomberg

Opinion | Unmasked: When Identity Politics Turns Deadly – The New York Times

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“How did humans get to the brink of crashing climate?”

Nothing in the image has anything to do with climate – it is all about energy and transportation.

Climate change: How did we get here? | AP News

If there was actual interest in reducing CO2 emissions, the focus would be on Asia, not the west.

Annual CO? emissions

Electricity generation from coal

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“Preparing the world for a new Ice Age”

The World Meteorological Office has cleverly chosen one of Europe’s chillier years to hold a major conference on the climate, now in progress in Geneva.

While day-to-day: changes in the thermometer may have little direct connection with the longer, slower rhythms of climatic change, it is an irresistible human urge to link them. The commuter delayed by frozen railway points or the motorist in a snowdrift may, if he is of a philosophical disposition, turn to contemplation of the next Ice Age.

Nor is he necessarily wrong. For some experts at the Geneva meeting believe that the eccentricities of recent years have been evidence of a climatic change towards much greater variability. Drought, floods, the failure of monsoons and the run of hard winters are all evidence, they say, that the world has come to the end of a spell of even-tempered weather which began in about 1910 and lasted until about 1960. This period has even been called “a little tropical age” by one of the more quotable of climatologists, Professor Reid Bryson.

What follows the tropics could be harder to live with — weather more typical of the 19th century or even of the “little Ice Age” which lasted between 1430 and 1850.

February 16, 1979

The Age – Google News Archive Search

According to Michael Mann’s Hockey Stick, the first couple decades of the “Little Tropical Age” were among the coldest of the past millennium.


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Denying Scientific Principles

“By denying scientific principles, one may maintain any paradox. It is surely harmful to souls to make it a heresy to believe what is proved.”

– Galileo

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Sea Level Rise At New York

The tide gauge at New York shows about 3mm/year change, with a somewhat higher rate over the seven years.  The land there is subsiding at about 2mm/year and the subsidence has been accelerating over the past decade.  The actual rate of sea level rise is about 1mm/year.

Sea Level Trends – NOAA Tides & Currents


NASA’s James Hansen predicted Lower Manhattan would be underwater five years ago.

Stormy weather – Global warming – Salon.com

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Freezing Canada

Justin Trudeau wants to take away reliable sources of heat, and replace them with expensive ones that don’t work.

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