Goodbye To Our Boiling Climate

Our climate research team continues to document the official United Nations Global Boiling crisis.

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Fifty Years Of Net Zero

Fifty years ago this week, Arab states implemented a Net Zero policy for the US

“The embargo had several effects, including: 

  • Gas prices more than quadrupled between 1973 and 1974.
  • Americans faced long lines and rationing at gas stations.
  • Oil revenues in Saudi Arabia jumped fortyfold between 1965 and 1975.”

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Twenty Days Of Global Boiling

The newest members of our climate team show how they are surviving their first twenty days of United Nations sponsored “global boiling.”

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USA Today : Biden To Prevent Conflict

“The overarching theme in these choices is a return to professionalism in U.S. foreign policy,” said Richard Gowan, an expert on the United Nations and peacekeeping with the International Crisis Group, a nonpartisan devoted to preventing conflict. “Biden is choosing tried-and-trusted advisers with long experience in policy and government. “

Joe Biden’s pick of Antony Blinken shows sharp pivot from Trump years

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Grave News About Journalism

“New Scientist” is reporting old news which has nothing to do with science and everything to do with propaganda.

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Prize Winning Photos Of Climate Change

“Each spring, residents of nearby villages drape huge blankets over the Rhône glacier in the Swiss Alps. The glacier, which is the primary source of the Rhône river, has lost 40 per cent of its volume in the past century. By shielding the ice from ultraviolet radiation, the blankets reduce melting by around 50 per cent, but they can’t stop the glacier’s retreat. Almost all glaciers in the Alps will disappear by the end of the century if emissions continue at the current rate, according to a 2019 study.”

Prize-winning photos highlight the impact of climate change on nature | New Scientist

“Professor Forel, Professor Lugon, and Herr Muret have just completed a report upon the movement of the glaciers in Switzerland during last year. Seventy-three glaciers in all were observed; in ten cases there had been an advance, and in sixty-three cases a retreat. The tendency of glaciers to diminish is thus rendered evident. The glaciers which had increased in 1898 remained stationary in 1899. The only Swiss glacier which manifests a steady and certain increase is the Glacier de Boveyre, in Can-ton Valais. The two Grindelwald glaciers, which until recently were decidedly stable, have begun to decline. The lower Aar glacier, which remained stationary until 1893, has now retreated 75ft. On the Eiger glacier, for the first time since it was measured, a diminution was observed; it has retreated 230ft.”

29 Dec 1900 – The Swiss Glaciers Decreasing. – Trove

Clarence and Richmond Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1889 – 1915), Tuesday 14 October 1902, page 3

Alpine Glaciers Disappearing.

Hotel-keepers in the Alps have a new trouble and are complaining at the loss of patrons. The attractive glaciers are said to be actually passing from the landscape, and as they recede the hotels along their borders find their visitors becoming fewer. These glaciers are not running away, by any means, but they are deteriorating slowly, with a persistency that means their final annihilation. Hotels that a few years ago stood very near to a great river of slowly-moving ice now find themselves a considerable distance away. The famous glaciers of the Rhone have shrunk several thousand feet in the last 20 years ; considerably more than 100ft a year. A number of the well-known glaciers are also shrinking at about the same rate, and the fact is established that these reminders of the great glacial period are certainly disappearing.”

14 Oct 1902 – Alpine Glaciers Disappearing. – Trove

“Remarkable shrinkages have been going on among the Swiss glaciers, especially in the last two or three years. According to measurements, the great Rhone glacier, one of the sights of Switzerland—at least, it used to be— has lost in the last two years no less than 88,250 square feet, and others have been shortened by anywhere from 20ft. to 40ft. Among 63 instances 53 recessions were discovered, one glacier remained stationary, and nine had slightly increased. ”

13 Dec 1907 – SHRINKING GLACIERS. – Trove

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4): Analysis Graphs and Plots


It is wrong to mutilate or suppress the record of an observation of a phenomenon of nature, but it is also wrong to make
a bad use of the record. In fact, it is the misuse of meteorological data, not the observing or publishing, that constitutes
a crime against the community. Observation and careful research are to be encouraged as useful. Misrepresentations are
to be avoided as harmful. The ‘ Independent Press ’’ as the ‘I Voice of the People ” should be not only “Vox Populi ” but
“Vox Dei ”, repressing all cheats and hoaxes, defending the
truth and the best interests of the whole nation as against the
self-interest of a few.”

Wayback Machine

“all the glaciers in the Rhone district of Switzerland are in retreat, some of them to an extent which may almost be described as alarming.”

18 May 1911 – GRAVE NEWS ABOUT GLACIERS. – Trove

“Ali of Switzerland’s glaciers are receding perceptibly, one notable one having shrunk ‘more than one thousand feet in the last ten years”

11 Feb 1915, Page 3 – Mexico Missouri Message at

“Apropos of the world-wide drought, scientific observation of the Swiss glaciers indicates that the earth is gradually growing warmer and drier. Only fifteen of 100 glaciers were observed last year to have increased; four remained stationary; and 81 decreased.”

p12 – 22 Jun 1934 – The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 – 1954) – Trove

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1974 : Global Cooling And Expanding Ice Caps “threaten unending food shortage”

“ASIDE FROM the shifting pattern of monsoon rains and the lengthening winters in the northern hemisphere, one of the most ominous fluctuations is the drop in the mean global atmospheric temperature by 2.7 degrees since the late 1940s

At the same time, the polar ice caps have been growing, and the climatologists think we may be moving into a period of shorter growing seasons and shrinking crop zones, particularly in Canada and the U. S.”


15 Oct 1974, 1 – Chicago Tribune at

h/t Don Penim

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Scaring Children For Profit

Scaring children about climate is making a lot of people very wealthy.

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The Safe Climate Of 1921

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

– Joseph Goebbels

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John Kerry : We Must Reduce Farming To Feed The World

White House climate envoy John Kerry says in order to feed a growing population, we have to greatly reduce the amount of farming being done.

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