Urgent Priorities At Apple

Apple does their manufacturing in Asia, so they can use very low cost labor and pretend they care about social justice and CO2 emissions.

5:00 PM · Sep 12, 2023·

Annual CO? emissions

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Saving San Francisco From Sea Level Rise

There has been little or no sea level rise in the San Francisco Bay over the last 80 years, but the city of San Francisco wants to take drastic action to save the city from sea level rise

“San Francisco considers lifting the Ferry Building by 7 feet to save it from the sea”

San Francisco’s plan to save its historic shoreline from climate change : NPR

Sea Level Trends – NOAA Tides & Currents

The Ferry Building is built on fill dirt, and may be sinking.

“The San Francisco shoreline from 1895. Pink shows areas of artificial fill; blue shows historical marshlands and creeks. (Oakland Museum of California)”

Large Parts of the Bay Area Are Built on Fill. Why and Where? | KQED

The shoreline hasn’t changed since 1938.

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None Of The Above

Britain is not going to decarbonize, they are not going to reach net-zero, they will not stop bad weather, and if they try they won’t have energy security.

Chief Scientific Adviser visits to discuss Net Zero | Corporate | University of Leeds

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A Government Scientist Said

The Washington Post reports:

“U.S. has seen a record number of weather disasters this year. It’s only September.

“It takes a lot to surprise me,” said a government scientist who tracks billion-dollar disasters. “But this year has been a surprise.”

Hurricane Idalia, which barreled through the Big Bend region of Florida late last month before battering other communities in Georgia and the Carolinas, thankfully wasn’t the cataclysmic storm that forecasters had feared days before.

But the Category 3 hurricane, which caused widespread flooding in some communities, still left behind a costly trail of damage — and solidified an unsettling place in the record books.

Idalia became the 23rd “billion dollar” weather disaster to strike the United States this year, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported on Monday, eclipsing the previous record of 22 set in 2020. And there are still four months left in this year, with the very real potential for more devastating weather ahead.”

23 ‘billion-dollar’ natural disasters have hit the US in 2023 – The Washington Post

This week in 1926, Miami was destroyed by a hurricane.

“Damages in 1926 dollars were estimated at $105 million, which would be more than $164 billion in today’s dollars.”

Great Miami Hurricane of 1926

There has been a huge increase in the population of the Gulf Coast since the 1920s.  The amount of property at risk is orders of magnitude higher.

Coastline County Population

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Meathead Explains Democracy

Rob Reiner explains that the survival of democracy requires no one is allowed to run against the incumbent.

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Hiding The Decline In Hot Days

In this video I show how government agencies and the press work together to misinform the public about trends in heatwaves.

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Least Ice In 13 Billion Years

IFL science says Antarctic sea ice extent is the lowest in thirteen billion years.

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Troubling Methane

Since the year 2000, atmospheric methane has increased from 0.0000018 to 0.0000019 mole fraction. This has geologist Joel Gombiner concerned.

9:16 AM · Sep 10, 2023

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400 Generations Of A Stable Climate

The Sierra Club said Arctic sea ice would disappear in 2013, after 11,000 years of a stable climate

“Humans have benefited greatly from a stable climate for the last 11,000 years or roughly 400 generations. Not any more. We now face an angry climate. One that we have poked in the eye with our fossil fuel stick and awakened. And now we must deal with the consequences. We must set aside our differences and prepare for what we can no longer avoid. And that is massive disruption to our civilizations.”

Breaking: Arctic Ice Breaks Up in Beaufort Sea. ~ Paul Beckwith | elephant journal

Why Arctic sea ice will vanish in 2013 | Sierra Club Canada

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Lowest Extent In 13 Billion Years

Antarctic sea ice is nearly identical to 1986, but the press say extent is the lowest in 13 billion  years.




Antarctica’s Low-Ice Winter Should Only Happen Once Every 13 Billion Years | IFLScience

Palm trees grew in Antarctica 53 million years ago.

Palm trees ‘grew on Antarctica’ – BBC News

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