Six years ago “The Conversation” banned conversation about climate.
Climate change deniers are dangerous – they don’t deserve a place on our site
They have taken millions of dollars from Bill Gates.
Six years ago “The Conversation” banned conversation about climate.
Climate change deniers are dangerous – they don’t deserve a place on our site
They have taken millions of dollars from Bill Gates.
On February 11, 1932 it was 84 degrees at Charlottesville, Virginia.
The Roanoke Times
Thu, Feb 11, 1932 – Page 6“THE YEAR OF NO WINTER.
A glance at the calendar shows that the winter is fast passing and that spring will be here in just a few weeks. As a matter of fact, the winter is likely to pass without ever having arrived. Throughout the Eastern section of the United States the winter of 1931-32 will go down in history as one of the mildest on record, causing coal dealers and clothiers to tear their hair in despair. Herbert Janvrin Browne, Washington’s celebrated long range weather forecaster, has been working to ascertain the explanation for the dearth of snow, ice and low temperatures throughout this part of the country and as a result of his labors he comes forward with the announcement that the moon, the sun, the ocean currents and circling winds have conspired in cosmic unity to bring about a year without a winter, so far as the Eastern section of the United States is concerned.”
Feb 11, 1932, page 6 – The Roanoke Times at
This year, the weather is a little cooler in Virginia.
Another video comparing misinformation from traditional AI with actual data analysis by analytic AI.
The frequency of 95F (35C) days in Indiana has plummeted. Grok thinks this is anecdotal.
Indiana – State Climate Summaries 2022
Perplexity is even worse.
The United Nations says we only have about one year left to save the planet from global warming, which is 26 years past their original deadline.
UN climate chief warns humanity has 2 years ‘to save the world’
The Arctic may have been ice-free 6,000 years ago. This was likely due to emissions from Sumerian SUV’s
Hillary to win by double digits “as Donald Trump’s poll numbers collapse”
Hillary Clinton opens up double-digit lead as Donald Trump’s poll numbers collapse | The Week
In 1989, the British Commonwealth said that only global communism can prevent the Maldives from drowning. Now you can rent a property there for only $250,000 per night.
Obama political appointee rules that political appointees don’t have any authority to do their job.
Five years ago, Boris Johnson said the UK can be the Saudi Arabia of wind power.
UK can be ‘Saudi Arabia of wind power’ – PM
The wind isn’t blowing in the UK, and wind power is producing only 5% of their electricity.
GB Fuel type power generation production
His wife’s father founded the Independent newspaper, which announced the end of snow 25 years ago.
Carrie Johnson: Who is Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s wife?
Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past – Environment – The Independent
Sixteen years ago, Boris Johnson claimed he rescued climate propagandist Franny Armstrong from mean girls.
Boris Johnson saves filmmaker Franny Armstrong from attack | Boris Johnson | The Guardian
Franny made a movie depicting a schoolteacher executing skeptical schoolchildren.