The United Nations says we only have about one year left to save the planet from global warming, which is 26 years past their original deadline.
UN climate chief warns humanity has 2 years ‘to save the world’
The United Nations says we only have about one year left to save the planet from global warming, which is 26 years past their original deadline.
UN climate chief warns humanity has 2 years ‘to save the world’
The Arctic may have been ice-free 6,000 years ago. This was likely due to emissions from Sumerian SUV’s
Hillary to win by double digits “as Donald Trump’s poll numbers collapse”
Hillary Clinton opens up double-digit lead as Donald Trump’s poll numbers collapse | The Week
In 1989, the British Commonwealth said that only global communism can prevent the Maldives from drowning. Now you can rent a property there for only $250,000 per night.
Obama political appointee rules that political appointees don’t have any authority to do their job.
Five years ago, Boris Johnson said the UK can be the Saudi Arabia of wind power.
UK can be ‘Saudi Arabia of wind power’ – PM
The wind isn’t blowing in the UK, and wind power is producing only 5% of their electricity.
GB Fuel type power generation production
His wife’s father founded the Independent newspaper, which announced the end of snow 25 years ago.
Carrie Johnson: Who is Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s wife?
Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past – Environment – The Independent
Sixteen years ago, Boris Johnson claimed he rescued climate propagandist Franny Armstrong from mean girls.
Boris Johnson saves filmmaker Franny Armstrong from attack | Boris Johnson | The Guardian
Franny made a movie depicting a schoolteacher executing skeptical schoolchildren.
Grok and ChatGPT defending the climate religion.
“overwhelming scientific consensus and empirical data”
ChatGPT :
“GOVERNMENTS must yield national sovereignty to multilateral authorities able to enforce laws “across environmentally invisible frontiers” if the greenhouse effect, which threatens the future of whole nations, is to be overcome, the Commonwealth Secretary-General, Sir Shridath Ramphal, said on Tuesday.
A Commonwealth Expert Group set up to look at climate change estimated there was a 90 per cent certainty that the planet would become warmer by at least 1-2 degrees, perhaps much more, and that sea levels would rise by between one and four metres, by the year 2030. Global warming and sea level rises would continue for decades, perhaps centuries.”
Source: The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 – 1995) / Thu 26 Jan 1989 / Page 7 / Call for anti-greenhouse action
NOAA’s Climate Extreme Index shows that contiguous US summer afternoons have been getting hotter and are record hot now.
“Percentage of the United States with maximum temperatures much above normal”
U.S. Climate Extremes Index (CEI) | Graph | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
NOAA’s state climate summaries shows that hot afternoons have become much less frequent.
Wyoming – State Climate Summaries 2022
USHCN daily temperature data shows that the percentage of the US reaching 95F has dropped sharply since the 1930s.
The National Climate Assessment also shows a sharp decline in heatwaves.
Temperature Changes in the United States – Climate Science Special Report
Time Magazine says 98F is dangerously hot for people who live in Phoenix to play sports.
How Climate Change Is Affecting the NFL | TIME
On October 4, 1933 the temperature in the San Francisco Bay Area was 98F, and it was “ideal for harvesting” but “a little too warm for personal comfort.”
Oct 05, 1933, page 1 – Hollister Advance at
Oct 04, 1933, page 1 – The Sacramento Union at
I played on the soccer team at ASU in 1974 and we practiced at 3PM every day, typically in temperatures around 104F. Phoenix had 18 straight days over 110F. At that time, Time Magazine was fear-mongering about a new ice age.
30 Jun 1974, Page 31 – Arizona Republic at
TIME Magazine Archive Article — Another Ice Age? — Jun. 24, 1974