Coldest July 5th On Record

Temperatures in Cheyenne only reached 57F today, making it the coldest July 5 on record. The pervious record was 60F in 1960.

Cheyenne, WY Weather Conditions | Weather Underground

Temperatures were warmer on July 5, 1936

South Dakota 120, Arizona 118, California 114, Montana 113, Nebraska 112, North Dakota 111, Iowa 110, Wyoming 109, Missouri 108, Minnesota 107, Colorado 106, Illinois 106, Utah 106, Kansas 105, Indiana 103, Nevada 103, Oklahoma 103, Georgia 102, New Mexico 102, Idaho 101, South Carolina 101, Wisconsin 101, Arkansas 100, Texas 100

Gann Valley, South Dakota was 120F on July 5, 1936.  Today their maximum temperature was 72F

Gann Valley, SD Weather Conditions | Weather Underground

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Progress In Academia

The Salem Witch trials featured child plaintiffs and Harvard educated judges – so nothing has changed in academia.

16 Montana Kids Are Suing the State Over Climate Change. Here’s What to Know About the Trial | Time

Those child geniuses wouldn’t survive six hours of the Montana winter without the fossil fuels they are protesting.

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Palm Trees Imminent At -90F

“You don’t expect palm trees to pop up the very instant that current temperatures surpassed the prehistoric high? It can actually be warmer now than back then because the warming is happening so quickly. Nature is lagging but it’ll get there.”


3:03 PM · Jul 6, 2023

It is currently -90F at the South Pole.

Weather for South Pole, Antarctica

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1857 – 138F In India

“The Mutiny broke out at Meerut on the 10th of May, 1857, and fired a train of tremendous historical explosions. Nana Sahib’s massacre of the surrendered garrison of Cawnpore occurred in June, and the long siege of Lucknow began. The military history of England is old and great, but I think it must be granted that the crushing of the Mutiny is the greatest chapter in it. The British were caught asleep and unprepared. They were a few thousands, swallowed up in an ocean of hostile populations. It would take months to inform England and get help, but they did not falter or stop to count the odds, but with English resolution and English devotion they took up their task, and went stubbornly on with it, through good fortune and bad, and fought the most unpromising fight that one may read of in fiction or out of it, and won it thoroughly.

The Mutiny broke out so suddenly, and spread with such rapidity that there was but little time for occupants of weak outlying stations to escape to places of safety. to places of safety. Attempts were made, of course, but they were attended by hardships as bitter as death in the few cases which were successful; for the heat ranged between 120 and 138 in the shade; the way led through hostile peoples, and food and water were hardly to be had. For ladies and children accustomed to ease and comfort and plenty, such a journey must have been a cruel experience.”

Following the Equator – Google Books

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Shooting People To Reduce Gun Violence

The mainstream media has been successful in their efforts to drive their audience insane.

9:13 PM · Jul 5, 2023

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“a crime against the community”

“It is wrong to mutilate or suppress the record of an observation of a phenomenon of nature, but it is also wrong to make a bad use of the record. In fact, it is the misuse of meteorological data, not the observing or publishing, that constitutes a crime against the community. Observation and careful research are to be encouraged as useful. Misrepresentations are to be avoided as harmful. The (‘ Independent Press ’’ as the ‘I Voice of the People ” should be not only IC Vox Populi ” but “Vox Dei ”, repressing all cheats and hoaxes, defending the truth and the best interests of the whole nation as against the self-interest of a few.”

Wayback Machine

NASA 1999

NASA 2019

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31% Comatose

Thirty-one percent of Americans still have confidence in the US government.

Confidence in U.S., U.K. Governments Lowest in G7

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Zero Integrity From The Press

Award -winning media journalist David Leavitt says :

“Enough is enough. Make vaccines mandatory.”

He also says :

“The only person who should have control over your personal medical decisions is you. Not politicians. “

6:38 AM · Sep 9, 2021

12:30 PM · May 14, 2022

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The Right To Choose

David Leavitt says forced injection is the same goodness as the right to kill your unborn child, and you have low intelligence if you don’t understand it.

5:56 PM · Jul 4, 2023

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100 Degrees In England 1959

This week in 1959 temperatures in England reached 100F (38C.)

“09 Jul 1959, Thu – Page 17

LONDON (AP) — A record- breaking heat wave spread over Europe Wednesday.

Temperatures in some southern British resorts topped 100 degrees and the rest of the county sweltered in the 80s and 90s.

Eighty girls fainted in a British TV plant. A London biscuit factory sent home its staff because all the chocolate melted on the production lines.

~ In Continental Europe the heat wave of the past two weeks is getting hotter and drought threatens the harvest.

In West Germany, people deserted the towns for the country- side and coast.

Cognac was the hottest town in France, 9.8. Paris had 92.5.

Northern Italy reported two highway accidents caused by heat exhaustion affecting drivers.

In Denmark, farmers brooded over the worst drought in 70 years.”

09 Jul 1959, 17 – San Angelo Standard-Times at

h/t Don Penim

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