Third World Countries Vow To Fleece America Out Of $100 Billion At Cancun

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Third World Countries Vow To Fleece America Out Of $100 Billion At Cancun

  1. Mike Davis says:

    That is great! Ethiopia is going to give us 100 billion dollars to repay its debt.
    The president of Mexico is heading up Negotiations? I guess not having any control in a country running amok qualifies for the job!

  2. Biobob says:

    “Vow To Fleece America Out Of $100 Billion”

    Good luck with that !!! LOL

    You can’t get blood out of rock; I expect a “giant sucking sound” as warmed air rises in Cancun at the speed of sound, HAH !! Could not happen in a better place – the corrupt leading the clueless.

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