12,912,514 Scientists Believe In Global Warming


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to 12,912,514 Scientists Believe In Global Warming

  1. PhilJourdan says:

    He attempts to trash skeptics with the magnitude of the numbers and in the process, merely points out his own ignorance and incompetence. I wonder what he does for an encore – find out how many dead people are really dead? (Hint: not 100%]

  2. mkelly says:

    My degree is engineering, but I did not sign the petition because I did not know about it until to late. So the numbers are wrong by at least one.

  3. BioBob says:

    It only takes ONE correct scientist to point out the erroneous views of who-cares-how-many others.

    • Lazarus says:

      So how is redefining the laws of physics working out for you?

      • Mike Davis says:

        No one here is attempting to redefine the laws of physics because the psychic laws of Pathological Science are being used by the Climatologists.
        Crystal Gazing and Tarot reading give better results than the GCMs currently being used.
        Big Jim should go back to doing star charts and reading the Stars. It is possible he may have been good at that.

  4. Bruce says:

    Alfred Wegener would be spinning in his grave, except he froze solid in Greenland undoubtedly wondering where all the green bits had gone.

    Or maybe my hypothesis is as equally silly as his is.

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