A Graphic Image Of Global Warming


Straight from the North Pole to Stamford Bridge.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to A Graphic Image Of Global Warming

  1. suyts says:

    Yeh, but its really hot in the Arctic. Hansen said so! I always wondered where the ice went when it left the Arctic……..now we know.

  2. TimC says:

    Hey! I *presume* you refer to Chelsea FC’s stadium, not the invasions against King Harold by those Viking and Norman brutes. Whatever next (harrumph) …!

  3. Peter Ellis says:

    You do know that there’s no factory full of magic pixies manufacturing air at the North Pole, right? The UK is getting an icy blast from the north. Air must therefore be coming up to the Pole from the south, somewhere else. That’s warmer air, which will be warming up the Arctic.

    It’s absolutely too early to say whether there will be any net warming or cooling.

  4. HLx says:


    I think you should take a look at a prognosis in todays Norwegian “adressa,” which is a regional newpaper. You should put it through translate.google.com:
    and translate from Norwegian to English of course :D…

    You have to remember, Norway have experienced the coldest summer in 15 years, and the coldest late autumn of 200 years.

    Now one wacko is predicting the hottest winter on record.

  5. Neven says:

    So, how is Chelski doing these days?

  6. colliemum says:

    I love this globull warming – we’re getting the second load of the day, as I type. And that’s not counting the stuff which had arrived here overnight.
    In case you’re wondering – this is in South Wales, next to the waters of the Bristol Channel.
    Yeah, it is really hot here, getting on for four inches of global warming hotness …

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