“Another Record Breaking Winter, What Happened to Global Warming?”


Britain and Europe have been hit hard for the third straight record-breaking winter season. Labeled by experts as the coldest winter in 100 years and set to blow well into 2011, it is already raising some very interesting questions about the new ideological split we are witnessing throughout society in the much celebrated green debate.

Tonight Britain braces itself for a further 10 inches of snow and more sub-zero temperatures to come- with no let-up, top forecasters have warned. These unusual Arctic conditions are set to last through the Christmas and New Year bank holidays and beyond and as temperatures plummeted to -10c (14f), prompting the UK’s Met Office to state that this December 2010 was ‘almost certain’ to become the coldest since records began in 1910.

So is it not safe to say that we are witnessing a real, tangible and physical trend here? Unlike the million dollar computer-generated climate model projections produced by the UN’s elite circle of research grantees and bursary

award-winning climate scientists, this new trend is actually a real one- one we can feel, touch, and most importantly… empirically measure.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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83 Responses to “Another Record Breaking Winter, What Happened to Global Warming?”

  1. Jimbo says:

    Have we reached a tipping point in the ‘hottest’ year on the record?

    BBC 18 December 2010
    “Northern Ireland had its coldest day on record on Saturday”

    Around 11 months earlier:

    BBC 2 February 2010
    NI temperatures hit record lows

  2. Jimbo says:

    As the December days pass by it is becoming increasingly difficult for the Met or Hansen to proclaim in Jauary 2011 that 2010 was the ‘hottest’ year on the record. Even if it IS very few members of the public will pay the blindest bit of notice in the midst of a brutal winter.

    • And to compound things for Hansen, with a cold start to 2011 on the way, and with La Nina likely to occur all the way through 2011, a cooler 2011 will make “global warming” look even worse. Time is not on “global warming’s” side.

      • Jimbo says:

        As I have said before, by declaring 2010 as the hottest year on the record it will become very difficult to declare another ‘hottest’ in the face of cooling temps.

        There are lies, damned lies and then there are statistics. ;>)

  3. Andy Weiss says:

    Mother Nature somehow got in the way of global warming!

  4. Glen Shevlin says:

    Unlike the million dollar computer-generated climate model projections produced by the UN’s elite circle of research grantees and bursary

    award-winning climate scientists, this new trend is actually a real one- one we can feel, touch, and most importantly… empirically measure.

    I guess the little man in the parka outside with the thermometer is not dead yet

  5. Cthulhu says:

    Even UAH shows 2010 as being particularly warm. Trying to pretend that 2010 is some kind of freezing cold year defies facts.

    But as the first poster points out, the rubes on the street will buy it.


    • Paul H says:

      But it certainly is not as warm as 1998, so there is still no warming for 15 yrs, which is what Jones + Trenberth have said.

      • Cthulhu says:

        What’s the chance that there has been warming over the last 15 years? About 90%.

        So color me unconvinced that the warming has stopped.

        “But it certainly is not as warm as 1998”

        Actually I believe 2010 is a statistical tie with 1998 in UAH.

        Despite the 1998 El Nino being stronger than the 2010 el nino and 2010 being in a deep solar minimum….

        So again I am unconvinced the world has stopped warming. What will be the nail in the coffin for you guys is when temperature in the next decade takes another jump upward and we look back and see all the nonsense about global cooling and warming-ending for what it was (nonsense).

      • Cthulhu says:
        December 19, 2010 at 6:00 pm

        What’s the chance that there has been warming over the last 15 years? About 90%.

        That is your wish only. You do not have data to prove.

      • Cthulhu says:
        December 19, 2010 at 6:00 pm

        Actually I believe 2010 is a statistical tie with 1998 in UAH.

        Yes, that is what you want to believe. And If you had used the word “was” instead of “is” I would say you are right. But you did not use the word “was”.

      • Cthulhu says:
        December 19, 2010 at 6:00 pm

        when temperature in the next decade takes another jump upward

        This is what you guys always do—everyone can see global warming isn’t happening, so you say “Ya, but just wait, you’re gonna get it some day!”

        Like they say, “Wait till next year!”, hey Cthulhu?

      • Paul H says:


        “What’s the chance that there has been warming over the last 15 years? About 90%.”

        Both Phil Jones and Kevin Trenberth have admitted there has been no warming for the last 15 yrs.

        But perhaps they have now been bought out by Exxon.

      • Dave N says:

        “Actually I believe 2010 is a statistical tie with 1998 in UAH”

        When temps are no higher than the highest, warming has stopped. No amount of alarmist logic can defy that.

    • Latitude says:

      only a real rube would believe that……….

    • Cthulhu says:
      December 19, 2010 at 5:55 pm

      Trying to pretend that 2010 is some kind of freezing cold year defies facts.

      What you say that people are saying defies facts because nobody ever said it. In fact, you are the first one to say it. You say there are people saying something they aren’t saying then say they are denying the facts by saying it.

      But thanks. Thanks for doing that. Because what you did is give people a glimpse of how “manmade global warming” works. It’s manmade alright—and we see how “man”, like you, is making it.

  6. hit hard for the third straight record-breaking winter season

    So much for those who say we shouldn’t make anything out of just one winter.

  7. MikeTheDenier says:

    2010 had record breaking weather….uh….climate change events…


  8. Cthulhu says:

    “That is your wish only. You do not have data to prove.”

    On the contrary. You even cited the source – Phil Jones.

    Unfortunately you swallowed the denialist kool-aid that he claimed there had been no warming for 15 years. No he said that there had been warming at significance not quite at 95%.

    And given that HadCRUT is underestimating the warming trend even that might be conservative

  9. Cthulhu says:

    “This is what you guys always do—everyone can see global warming isn’t happening, so you say “Ya, but just wait, you’re gonna get it some day!””

    On the contrary its deniers who keep appealing to warming stopping and turning out wrong. “ah but next decade it WILL have stopped!”

    Sure. And pigs might fly. So far the warming has continued upward despite the claims of skeptics.

    I remember 2008 when all the denialist rage was to claim the La Nina drop represented some kind of end to warming. Whoops then 2010 came along with record warm year.

    I have no doubt in 15 years time you’ll be saying “warming stopped in the past 15 years” but you’ll be a little less believable because you got it wrong in the 2000s.

  10. Cthulhu says:

    “What you say that people are saying defies facts because nobody ever said it.”

    It doesn’t have to be said. All the talk about the cold weather is a deliberate attempt to pretend that there’s something wrong with the idea of the warming earth, that it isn’t happening. As if scientists have got it wrong.

    You know it’s dumb so you don’t directly say it. You imply it. You omit facts. You don’t want to admit that this year was particularly warm. Deniers go to great lengths to try and hide that inconvenient truth under the carpet.

    If people knew 2010 was either the warmest or the 2nd warmest year on record (doesn’t matter a lot which) then they would realize the idea that the world is cooling or has stopped warming doesn’t make a lot of sense.

    So all these attacks on GISTEMP and HadCRUT and pointing at snow and jumping up and down going “ooook!”, while ignoring the fact that UAH shows it has been especially hot this year, are just part of the pretense, the act.

  11. Latitude says:

    Good Lord, I hate the internet when school’s out…………

  12. Cthulhu says:

    “Pathetic try. You started at 1979. You talk about 1995 then start your graph at 1979.”

    here we go from 1995 then

    Again the warming is clear.

    So you falsely tried to deny the warming by claiming it was to do with the start date. Why did you do that?

    Why do deniers in general so complicit in such shenanigans?

    The reason the world doesn’t take you seriously is because none of you are remotely competent enough and make glaring errors concerning the data. School kids could see the warming inherent in that data and yet I am supposed to believe you can’t see it?

    What now? you going to complain the line is too red? Maybe if I draw it in a blue line it might not show warming?

  13. Latitude says:

    I thought it was the big liberal cause a few years ago, that people were having to eat cat food because they couldn’t afford real food or their utility bills?

    So let’s raise their utility bills some more, do everything we can to make food prices go up………freeze and starve them out

    Kill them off, for the goodness of saving the planet……..

    Cthulhu, narrow minded little scum like you make me sick

  14. Cthulhu says:

    “Data from all over the world showing the Medieval Warm Period was warmer than now”

    If they did reconstructions would show that. They don’t. Even the skeptic approved reconstructions don’t show the MWP warmer than today.

    What you are doing is pointing at individual proxy cases (here’s a MWP in indonesia! here’s one in china, here’s one in XYZ) without telling people that the MWP in each case occurs during a different time period.

    So if you actually made a global reconstruction out of them all they wouldn’t all align and hence that’s why in actual global reconstructions the MWP is not warmer than present.

  15. Cthulhu says:

    “Kill them off, for the goodness of saving the planet……..

    Cthulhu, narrow minded little scum like you make me sick”

    Go fuck yourself noob

    • Latitude says:

      Nope, I would rather do everything in my power to stop kids like you.

      With any luck, you will have to grow up and live like several families I know right now. Families that we are trying to help because they can not afford food and can not afford their heating bills.

      Until that happens, you will continue to trip through life having no clue……

    • Ian says:

      Ah, the mature, dispassionate voice of science. At the CRU are you?

    • Cthulhu says:
      December 19, 2010 at 7:38 pm

      “Kill them off, for the goodness of saving the planet……..

      Cthulhu, narrow minded little scum like you make me sick”

      Go fuck yourself noob


      I see no one is telling you to do that. But there is no need to tell you to do it. By reading your comments I see you are already doing it to yourself.

  16. Cthulhu says:

    “Ah, the mature, dispassionate voice of science. At the CRU are you?”

    This isn’t the science part of the world. This is a blog. Don’t let the title at the top confuse you. If I made a blog called Real Medicine it wouldn’t mean I was contributing to the medical community.

  17. Cthulhu says:

    “You ignore that HadCRUT and RSS show 2010 much cooler than 1998.”

    Yes but we can’t trust any of those liberal alarmist records can we.

    We should stick to UAH. Which shows 2010 so far is warmer than 1998.

  18. Latitude says:

    You outed yourself…….

    “the rubes on the street will buy it”

    God I must be bored today……….. LOL

  19. Cthulhu says:

    “You outed yourself…….”

    Oh I am a homosexual too am I now? Thanks for letting me know.

  20. Andy Weiss says:

    What is wrong with being a homosexual?

  21. co2hound says:

    What’s all this about 1998?

    It was an outlier year because of a huge El Nino. So here we are today, where the temperatures are very close or better than that outlier year without a sun maximum and without an outlier El Nino!

    This is a huge global temperature rise since 1998!

    Anyone taking bets as to the world temperature during the next solar maximum WITH an outlier El Nino? Asbestos shorts anyone?

    • Mike Davis says:

      It was just a run of the mill average year and not statistically significant from any other year in the 20th century. When measurement and processing errors are taken into account there is only regional natural weather variations to be seen in the weather records of the 20th century.
      The next Solar Maximum may actually be a minor Solar Maximum such as the Dalton or Mauder Minimums experienced. Now that most of the excess heat has drained from the global weather systems it will continue to cool as has been observed by colder than normal winters that display the opposite trend that AGW would exhibit. With Ocean Atmosphere circulation patterns transitioning into their negative modes we should enjoy at minimum another 25 to 30 years of cooling weather for your entertainment pleasure. Water sports might be a bit chilly in the near future!
      I would think the asbestos shorts will only be needed for those who want to stand by the needed fire to keep warm! 🙂
      Enjoy your fantasy while it lasts! Cognitive Dissonance is a bitch which it hits home that you were mislead all that time!

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