Maybe they won’t all be gone by 2035 – after all.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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- arn on 117 MPH Winds In Ireland
- Brian G Valentine on 117 MPH Winds In Ireland
- Margaret Smith on 117 MPH Winds In Ireland
- Brian G Valentine on The End Of “Climate Action”
- Trevor on The End Of “Climate Action”
- GW on New Arctic Climate Discovered
- Russell Cook on “Fascist Salute”
- Mike on The End Of “Climate Action”
- Tel on “Fascist Salute”
- Brian G Valentine on New Arctic Climate Discovered
Who’da thunk? Funny how alarmists are just now discovering all the neat things skeptics have been saying all along.
When as much as 90% of all land based glaciers outside of the polar regions are less than 8 thousand years old what does one expect them to do?
They are still finding things that grew 2000 years ago where glaciers are now in the Alps. MS Gray probably needs to grow a brain! Along with the other members of the Chicken Little Brigade bouncing off the walls in a place that represents all the environmental damage that humanity has done to the globe in spades. The worst of human endeavors are on display in Cancun!
I say they should meet in June and hold the meeting in either Dry Valley Antarctica or Death Valley California!
Is it just me, or is Cancun going on a lot longer than Hopenhagen?
Could not be all that sun, sea + tequila could it?
This one is 10 days but I do not recall the length of “Dopenhagen”.
Copenhagen was cut short by a record blizzard in Washington.
…and in the cascades as far south as Shasta
and alaska. and mont blanc. do i hear a greenland? an antarctica?
“However, overall ice and snow on mountains has been retreating since the industrial age, according to scientists from around the world. ”
Why can’t Little Miss Cut & Paste say the end of the LIA?
MS “Cut-N-Paste” Does not know how to spell “LIA”!
From Joe Bastardi WEDNESDAY
Gavin Partridge has supplied the details:
The central England Temperature (CET) from the 1st-7th of December is -1.9, making this the coldest opening week of December since 1879; 1879 is the coldest opening week on CET record, so this week has been the second coldest opening week to December since CET records began in 1659.
The two-week period, last week of November and first week of December is the coldest since CET records began in 1659.
My addition:
I guess when a lot of us started speculating about going back to the time of the Victorian era… we underestimated it.
Ciao for now
Increasing? WTF? Well, don’t that beat all? Are these Denier glaciers? Melt, damn you!
Time to ban di-hydrogen oxide?
DHMO is the deadliest chemical compound on the planet.
You can’t breathe it.
And if you try to eat it in solid form, you get BRAIN FREEZE.