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Changes In SST Anomalies Vs The Same Date In 2002
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Steve, am I missing something here? I don’t really get what the point of this is, especially considering the different scales and dang blinking. Can you explain?
Colour scale is the same. They just have just extended it on either end.
huh. they had to add some bigger numbers on the left side of the scale!
That is one strong La Nina. And the sea temps up near Greenland and Hudson Bay are a bit ‘warmer’ ( or should I say ‘less cold’) than normal, perhaps slowing ice formation a bit . . . ?
I find it interesting the Southern Ocean feeds the North Atlantic, and ultimately the Arctic. Hmm.
You’re comparing a day during an El Nino evolution year to a day during an La Nina evolution year. Like the others, I’m not sure what the point of this post is, Steven.
The oceans are heating up out of control.
i mean, DUH!
come on bob
Bob, as you know, one of the tenets of CAGW is that we are the cause of climatic events as opposed to natural variations of climate. As witnessed by the recent El Nino events, we saw warming. Conversely, as witnessed by the current La Nina, we’re seeing cooler temps. While this is old news to guys like you, me and Steve, and the rest here, it bears repeating, often and clearly.
Then there’s the additional value of subtle inferred sarcasm. As Steve points out, the oceans aren’t boiling. No tipping point foreseeable, and our corals can breath a heavy sigh of relief with the knowledge the the oceans temp anomaly will probably decrease.
Also, it was the blink thingy was requested by another frequent visitor.
suyts says: “Bob, as you know, one of the tenets of CAGW is that we are the cause of climatic events as opposed to natural variations of climate.”
Global SST anomalies (TLT and LST anomalies also) in response to the 2010/11 La Nina will not be as low as they were in response to the 2007/08 La Nina, even factoring in the differences in NINO3.4 SST anomalies, and this implies that global Sea Surface Temperature anomalies have been driven higher in just a few years. Get ready for it. You’re going to see it repeated numerous times next year. You’ll need to explain why that’s happened. Can you?
thanks for the heads up bob, but are you sure?
seems like it (index) has fallen much faster than previously, which from eyeballing the graph at least would make one think that it will go much lower.
the temperatures also seem lower, overall.
and just from being here in central cali, it has been very cold and very wet. conventional wisdom says we should be dry with a la nina. however we have have not come out of a progressive pattern since the previous winter, except for 5-6 weeks through july. it has snowed every month except july.
i guess i am saying it seems quite cold, and we still have a ways to go.
There are probably 2 or more ocean atmosphere weather patterns that are currently enhancing each other in a negative manner/ cooling trend More often than not the patterns are either in opposition or neutral with the others. With the Solar activity being low it could lead to the cooling some groups have been talking about that will last another 20 to 40 years or even in worst case 4 or 5 hundred years with minor warming periods of 25 to 30 years such as we appear to be coming out of. The cooling will gradually get cooler and the warming will not get as warm.
Leave it to the Climatologists to adjust the temperature with the proper Al-Gore-Rythms to match the expected results from the AGW models like they have been doing.
I think the answer will be obvious within the next 24 months!
peterhodges says: “thanks for the heads up bob, but are you sure?”
Doesn’t look that global SST anomalies will get there:
Compare it to NINO3.4 SST anomalies: