CNN Forecasts The Demise Of Skiing In Europe

Maybe in 20 years there is no Alpine skiing anymore, no low ski resort anymore, so what we do is we diversify.

Some articles are too stupid to even waste any time commenting.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to CNN Forecasts The Demise Of Skiing In Europe

  1. MikeTheDenier says:

    Wallchart materials: waxing hot and cold, climate scares 1895-2009

    The AGW climate scare is notable in that it has been vigorously adopted by the left, under the guise of caring for the environment, in a way which reflects their transition from being in favour of industrial progress to being against it, and from being concerned with the ‘working man’ to being convinced the planet would be better off without ‘him’.

    Here is a post from a couple of years ago on the butnowyouknow blog that I think would make interesting reading for any youngsters startled or scared by the AGW alarmism, and perhaps encourage them to dig into it a little more deeply, while refusing to be intimidated by the clamour in the meantime:

  2. MikeTheDenier says:

    Paper: Arctic Temperatures 2-3C higher only 1000 years ago

  3. But you see, you keep looking at graphs and comparing them to what global warming believers are saying. Graphs don’t apply in “global warming”. Global warming is happening. Man is the cause. Graphs smafs. Who cares about graphs. Who cares about the record cold all over the place. Quit it with the graphs and you’ll understand better.

  4. Baa Humbug says:

    Actually E M Smith had a map of sea ice showing ice from Greenland almost in contact with Iceland. I’d be interested in some high res satellite pics if you can wrangle ’em Steve.

  5. TinyCO2 says:

    The UK may have had another record breaking December day yesterday

    I expect today to have been even colder. It didn’t get above -5ºC here in Cheshire.

    Monthly total up to the 19th is now down to -0.1ºC with the record -0.8ºC.

  6. suyts says:

    lol, from the article……….”According to figures from an OECD report from 2007, a two degree Celsius rise in temperature would reduce the number of skiable areas in the Alps from nearly 700 to around 400. Those lying below 1,500 meters are most vulnerable.”

    There must be two camps of alarmists. Either warming causes more snow or it doesn’t. Could one of our alarmist friends please explain this. Are their two competing theories or one mouth talking out of both sides?

    What do we call either camp of alarmists? Snowistas? Meltists? Or is it that warming in the Alps causes less snow while warming in the rest of Europe, causes more snow?

    Ironically, this double talk is consistent with models created by skeptics.

  7. George Patt says:

    Folks, let’s be more optimism. Right now it is winter vacation and a lot of snow on slopes in Alps. Anyway, good information you can find here: .

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