“Colorado mountains could get up to 8 feet of snow”

Monday, December 20, 2010

DENVER — Forecasters are predicting snowfall of “epic proportions” in parts of western Colorado.

The National Weather Service says the top of the Grand Mesa and areas around Crested Butte above 9,000 feet could have 6 to 8 feet of snow by Thursday afternoon. A winter storm warning covering Vail, Aspen, Telluride and Crested Butte lasts through Tuesday night, with wind and heavy snow making it difficult to travel.

On Sunday, Silverton Mountain reported 18 inches of new snow in the last 24 hours at the ski area, while the Crested Butte ski area reported 15 new inches.

While northern Colorado has been getting a lot of moisture this fall, snowpack totals have been lagging in southern Colorado.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to “Colorado mountains could get up to 8 feet of snow”

  1. It looks like 16-20 feet has fallen in the Sierras (California) since Friday. Moisture from the same storm is hitting Colorado.

    click on “24 hour loop” at the link


    • peterhodges says:

      grand total @ 9300′

      5″ water per day for 3 days plus a trace the last 24 hours

      15+ feet new snow on mammoth mountain in 3 days — most snow ever in december…and from one storm. that is at the snow plot, so more than that certainly fell up on the high ridges. at our ski area it was twice as deep at the top as at the snow plot. (mostly because of higher snow ratios)

      4-6 ft in town 3 days. not actually that unusual 😉

    • peterhodges says:

      when these guys get off their asses and update this, it will be well above the wettest year ever


  2. Baa Humbug says:

    “epic proportions”

    The only thing epic viz a viz the weather has been the language used to describe it.

    “Moronic stooopidity of IMMENSLY GRAND HISTORICALLY MASSIVE EPICAL proportions.”

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