CU Professor Forecasts The Demise Of Snow In Colorado

DENVER — A study of two Rocky Mountain ski resorts says climate change will mean shorter seasons and less snow on lower slopes.

The study by two Colorado researchers says Aspen Mountain in Colorado and Park City in Utah will see dramatic changes even with a reduction in carbon emissions, which fuel climate change.

If carbon emissions increase, the average temperature at Park City will be 10.4 degrees warmer by 2100, and there likely will be no snowpack, according to the study. Skiing at Aspen, with an average temperature 8.6 degrees higher than now, will be marginal.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to CU Professor Forecasts The Demise Of Snow In Colorado

  1. Dave N says:

    If they’re expecting higher temps in Colorado, it’ll need to reverse the trend of the last decade, which has shown cooling.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    An awful lot of people have egg on their face.

    Now the Washington Post is saying all this cold is due to global warming intensifying the North Atlantic/Canadian block. Talk about bait and switch!

  3. Baa Humbug says:

    I say send these rent seeking fraudulant nutjobs to Aspen wearing only their budgie smugglers.

  4. Justa Joe says:

    These guys predict Colorado ski resorts lacking snow in the year 2100. I predict that skiing will fall out of vogue in 2080 due to the wide spread use of jet packs.

  5. Geezer1 says:

    10 degrees warmer and 8.6 degrees warmer. It must be nice to be a climate researcher. You can say anything you want ( right or wrong). Now lets be realistic and ask ” what would make the temps that much warmer”. You have no available data that would even come close to those projections, none. You have just magnified the warmists warming trend by a factor of 8. I don’t think so. There has probably been too much whiffing of a particular medical substance.

  6. truthsword says:

    But aren’t they now saying that warming causes more snow, so that professor is a skeptic right? I’m getting confused now.

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