Did Dinosaurs Fart Themselves Into Extinction?


Now that we know from top climate science research that CO2 hangs around in the atmosphere for hundreds of thousands of years, and that dinosaurs ate a lot of beans – it seems a foregone conclusion that dinosaurs made themselves extinct from a runaway dutch oven effect.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Did Dinosaurs Fart Themselves Into Extinction?

  1. Mike Davis says:

    Pinto, Lima, Cranberry, Black, Refried, Butter, String, Wax, Pole, Green???
    I like the Heritage Christmas Lima Beans my self!
    Some of the neighbors plant Soy Beans for winter cover crop and cattle feed as they are a good nitrogen fixer!
    Because if my neighbors use of Soy I call Bull on the claims!

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