England Heating Out Of Control!

2010 is only a degree and half cooler than 1686.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to England Heating Out Of Control!

  1. Baa Humbug says:

    hey no fair, you forgot to homogenise it.

  2. John Edmondson says:

    Assuming Dec 2010 CET comes in around -0.5C, then the average for the year will be 8.85.

    Lowest since 1986.

    Also likely are 3 consecutive colder than average winters, first time since 1985-6.

    Also possible 2 consecutive winters colder than average by more than 1C, first time since 1941-42.

  3. Lance says:

    I believe GISS color codes that red….

  4. Andy Weiss says:

    Looks a little like the hockey stick is going the opposite way!

  5. SMS says:

    Funny how the temperature record manifests itself. Over the past century you see long erratic climbs in temperature taking several decades and then a sudden drop in temperature.

    I suppose if you pick the top of the spikes and drew a line you might get a very small increase in temperature. Maybe a 1/4 of a degree? Not much to worry about; certainly nothing to spend 80 billion dollars on or change the way we live our lives and do business.

    Or I could just be imagining things.

  6. Scott says:

    What about UHI?


  7. richcar1225 says:

    Temperature reconstruction of the GISP2 ice core reveals that the little ice age was the coldest period of the entire Holocene record of 10,000 years. If the CET temps reach this level we should have a headline that should get everybodys attention around the world . The strategy should be to put the claim to NASA or the CRU and get them to either accept it or challenge it. If they challenge it then it could be taken to court. If the claim could be supported by some climate scientists and the US house, NASA would have to respond.

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