EPA Tells Kids That All Their Activities Harm The Planet


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to EPA Tells Kids That All Their Activities Harm The Planet

  1. suyts says:

    And they wonder why there is such a revulsion of CAGW loons. They’re screwing with my grandchildren. Lets see how this works out for them. Sick bastards.

    • DEEBEE says:

      One of the basic tenets of all dictatorial regimes (including communist) was to get the children often and early. They are just living down do it.

  2. Boudu says:

    Face it kids. You’re screwed. Might as well end it all now. No future for you.

  3. Paul H says:

    I notice that Sense Seeker has still not replied to my challenge to him to name the peer reviewers that he claimed reviewed Hansen’s upward hike in US temp adjustments.

    This is what I wrote yesterday.


    “These changes were published, peer reviewed and available for anyone who wanted to know.”

    Can you let us know who peer reviewed them?


    I guess it is just another inconvenient truth he does not want to face up to.

  4. Adam says:

    Here is a post from a global warming website aimed at children primary school age 6-12

    It’s horrible; propagandising children, saying that skeptics are paid by big oil, and showing little cartoons about it http://tiki.oneworld.net/global_warming/effect7.gif

  5. Andy Weiss says:

    You don’t have to peer review the fact that big brother is trying to give kids a guilt trip about living a normal middle class lifestyle.

  6. thechuckr says:

    The brainwashing of young children by the govenment and the education establishment is beyond reprehensible and can only be considered to be a form of child abuse.

  7. Latitude says:

    surfing the internet and reading the EPA’s website………

  8. mt says:

    They forget to list “Breathing”

  9. Dave G says:

    Anyone see “Saturday Night Live” last night, I believe that was a swipe at AGW at the beginning of the show

  10. Kramer says:

    It’s all about saving energy so that there’s more for the rest of the world to use. It’s also about lowering our standard of living so that there is a convergence of GDPs by the year 2100. And within this convergence process, there will be redistribution of wealth, both within and between nations, transfer of tech from the north to the south, and a global governance (which is just a euphemism for global government) to manage the world’s resources (and hence our economy) that will just happen to be of a leftist nature.

    Such a political scam.

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