Forecast : Mindless CO2 Stupidity Continues Unabated

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Forecast : Mindless CO2 Stupidity Continues Unabated

  1. MikeTheDenier says:

    Gross… Millions of Funky Dead Sea Creatures Wash Ashore After Record Florida Freeze (Video)

  2. Glen Shevlin says:

    Just wonder what the real temperature readings were … they might have already stopped the temperature rise

  3. Baa Humbug says:

    They’re desperately trying to get some numbers up before this cold well and truly sets in over the next few years. Taxes put in place will be difficult to remove, industry based around emissions reductions will be difficult to unwind and they can point to the reductions in emissions to claim they saved the planet from a catastrophy.

  4. Latitude says:

    So, how’s that PDO working for you?

    They knew this, and pushed as hard as they could until their time runs out……..

  5. PhilJourdan says:

    It is only a matter of time before they start recommending eugenics – since 7 billion people exhaling are a huge source of CO2.

    • Mike Davis says:

      You have Missed the subtle hints? I thought it was obvious when they started chanting about Precautionary Principle!

      • Mike Davis says:

        The outcome of most every proposal is either Eugenics or Ethnic Cleansing to one extent or another. Just look at what the Kyoto SNAFU has already wrought.

      • PhilJourdan says:

        Subtle? The only thing subtle about it is how they deny it to the mass media and populace! Just wait for Tondy, Chris or Sense to come along – they will inevitably deny it – that is as subtle as they get.

      • Mike Davis says:

        In this neck of the woods hitting you up side of the head with a 2X4 is considered subtle.

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