Global Warming Spawns Football Hooligans

Just kidding. I miss the old days when you would see burned out football trains on the way into London.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Global Warming Spawns Football Hooligans

  1. a jones says:

    Ah yes indeed when football hooligans really did have bovver boots. Remember the Giles cartoon on his proposed new style rail transport for them?

    Still the winter of 63 was very harsh here in the UK, I remember it well.

    So for a piece of nostalgia here is a delightful little film showing how the then British Railways coped with it.

    I found the link at SDA. Hope it activates automatically otherwise you will have to cut and paste.


    Kindest Regards

  2. Espen says:

    I remember from more than 25 years ago, when Hamburger Sportsverein had the most feared German hooligans, I had a funny experience in Frankfurt: I had just tried to get some sleep in the train compartment when I heard the HSV hooligans entering the train, chanting racist slogans. I got quite scared, I had read really bad stories about these guys, and I was alone in my train compartment. Then two of the chanting drunk guys opened my compartment. I pretended to be sleeping. And then they just lowered their voices and said “Oh… someone’s sleeping here! Let’s find another compartment” – and closed the door carefully 😉

  3. smiffy says:

    I’m with you Steve, bring back the terraces, dodgy mullets, pitches of mud and punch ups all round! Them were the days……

  4. Paul H says:

    Ah but don’t forget.

    In a normal winter the fans would be too cold too run around rioting.

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