Guardian Supports Warmist Scum Threatening Children Over Christmas

If they are worried about the North Pole melting at -35C, why don’t they move Santa’s Workshop to the UK?

h/t to C Monster

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Guardian Supports Warmist Scum Threatening Children Over Christmas

  1. fishnski says:

    Verhojansk, Russia (Airport)
    Updated: 1 hr 0 min 28 sec ago
    Temperature: -61 °F
    Humidity: 55%
    Dew Point: -66 °F

    Just had to throw that in somewhere!..

  2. omnologos says:


    I have to say that I’m also not convinced that this is an entirely sensible way of getting children interested in the topic of climate change

    • fishnski says:

      Running 13 degrees below norm…But that ain’t the real North pole homie!….80 north has just gone down to the neg temps…we might be in for a very cold winter!..

  3. Foxgoose says:

    Can I be the first?

    Coming soon to a British TV screen near you, just in time for Christmas…….

    from the movement that brought you “Splattergate”


    They don’t learn – do they?

  4. Dave N says:

    Alarmists can’t sink much lower…

  5. suyts says:

    Ahh, defending children indoctrination. Beautiful.

    “Not because children can’t readily grasp the complexities and implications of the science per se, ……”

    What? Really? Yeh, just the other day I was telling my 4 y/o grandchild about the overlapping absorption spectra of various molecules in our atmosphere and he reminded me that not only does H2O mostly overlap CO2, but one of the absorption bands of Methane was almost completely overlapped by N2O while H2O significantly overlaps the other band. Then he asked if I thought Santa would find his house this year. Well,………he said something like that.

  6. If parents sit back and let the tv tell their children tell them what is real then children won’t sleep good worrying over the future that Al Gore and scientists who care nothing of science tell them is coming.

  7. Andy Weiss says:

    This global warming myth won’t go away!

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