Hansen Says The Cold Is Localized In Europe

A cold snap under way this month in Britain and elsewhere in northern Europe was unusual, but it will do little to alter global average temperatures for the year, said James Hansen, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies. “This regional cold spell has caused widespread commentary that global warming has ended,” Dr. Hansen said. “That is hardly the case.”


Perhaps he lacks Internet access? Somehow he missed the entire southern hemisphere, Russia, Canada and the United States – including Pennsylvania where he lives.


A cold snap under way this month in Britain and elsewhere in northern Europe was unusual, but it will do little to alter global average temperatures for the year, said James Hansen, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies. “This regional cold spell has caused widespread commentary that global warming has ended,” Dr. Hansen said. “That is hardly the case.”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Hansen Says The Cold Is Localized In Europe

  1. tarpon says:

    Yep and south Florida, and …. and — It’s hard to hide the lies.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    Hansen is full of horse manure!


  3. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    Yeah but europe is having major problems, the windmills in UK are not working making 1/500 of the energy used on that day. France is the next superpower, as UK has just crippled it’s energy capacity


    “Last Tuesday evening, when many places in Britain were registering their lowest temperatures on record, UK electricity demand was a staggering 60 gigawatts. But the amount coming from wind turbines was just 0.2 per cent – one 500th of what we were using. Ten times as much was coming from nuclear reactors in France, through the interconnector under the Channel.”

  4. Cthulhu says:

    You and Hansen are not in disagreement.

    Your image is for a single day.

    Hansen is talking about the entire month.

    He also didn’t say Europe was the only place that was cold.

  5. rw says:

    This is the 3rd cold winter in a row in the British Isles (and northern Europe as well if I recall correctly, not to mention China and the Eastern US). How many more will it take to shut this guy up?

    Viewed from this perspective, Hansen’s comments bring to mind a well-known temporal lobe syndrome. Maybe JH is actually HM.

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