Hot Weather Coming To The Greenland Ice Sheet!

Temperatures may rise above 0F on Friday!

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Hot Weather Coming To The Greenland Ice Sheet!

  1. Mike Davis says:

    That will melt a lot of ice! I know because it is 34F here and most of the pond is frozen over along with over 60% of the ground still covered with snow and I live on a south facing slope!

  2. PJB says:

    So, based on the “current” climate science, we can expect Europe to return to even colder global warming conditions?

  3. Andy Weiss says:

    Time to crack out that suntan lotion!

  4. AndyW says:

    That part of the world has been very warm over the last month or so, similar to NW Canada, hence why so little ice in Hudson bay for this time of year.


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