Hottest Year Ever : England Having Its Coldest Year Since 1987 (When CO2 Was Below 350 ppm)

Central England Temperatures, January-November

2010    9.70
2009    10.75
2008    10.54
2007    10.98
2006    11.22
2005    10.99
2004    10.95
2003    11.02
2002    11.05
2001    10.51
2000    10.72
1999    11.13
1998    10.77
1997    10.96
1996    9.77
1995    11.27
1994    10.59
1993    9.85
1992    10.43
1991    9.96
1990    11.20
1989    11.01
1988    9.98
1987    9.36

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to Hottest Year Ever : England Having Its Coldest Year Since 1987 (When CO2 Was Below 350 ppm)

  1. drewski says:

    Wow! Less than 1/2 of 1% of the world’s surface is colder than it has been for the last 23 years — global warming has stopped!! Wait, what about those 18 all-time NATIONAL heat records that were broken this year and not one national cold record was broken — Whats Up With That?

    • Most of those countries didn’t exist before the breakup of the Soviet Union. No continent has broken a record in 40 years.

      It has been the coldest start to winter on record in England, but feel free to keep blathering on with more nonsense.

  2. drewski says:

    Actually, I lied – it is now NINETEEN countries that have set ALL-TIME heat records — Bolivia tied its all-time hottest temperature mark on October 29, when the mercury hit 46.7°C (116.1°F) at Villamontes.

    Pakistan had its hottest temperature in history on May 26, not only is the 128.3°F reading the hottest temperature ever recorded in Pakistan, it is the hottest reliably measured temperature ever recorded on the CONTINENT OF ASIA.

    Isn’t Asia the world’s largest continent – 30 or 40 times the size of England?

    Myanmar (Burma) the 47.2°C measured this year is the hottest temperature in SOUTHEAST ASIA history.

    These 16 Countries ARE NOT part of the ex-Soviet empire: Zambia, Cyprus, Finland, Qatar, Sudan, Niger, Saudi Arabia, Chad, Kuwait, Iraq, Ascension Island, The Solomon Islands, Colombia (+ Bolivia, Pakistan and Burma).

    These THREE countries are ex-Soviet: Belarus Russia, Ukraine.

    Tell me again who is blathering.

    • Bolivia?

      Over 1 million fish and thousands of alligators, turtles, dolphins and other river wildlife are floating dead in numerous Bolivian rivers in the three eastern/southern departments of Santa Cruz, Beni and Tarija. The extreme cold front that hit Bolivia in mid-July caused water temperatures to dip below the minimum temperatures river life can tolerate. As a consequence, rivers, lakes, lagoons and fisheries are brimming with decomposing fish and other creatures.

    • Paul H says:

      Funny how global temps have not risen for the last 15 years then.

    • Paul H says:

      “Bolivia tied its all-time hottest temperature mark on October 29, when the mercury hit 46.7°C (116.1°F) at Villamontes.”

      Temperature records such as this are totally meaningless unless you can be sure they are not influenced by outside factors. For instance this town has doubled in size in 20 yrs due to development of oil exploration. The temperature itself was recorded at the airport which itself has grown hugely in the last 20 yrs. It is widely understood that temps at airports are pretty unreliable because of the effect of tarmac, aircraft engines, car parks and buildings.

      For a better guide to Bolivian temps check out the nearest station on GISS ( La Quiaca – actually across the border in Argentina, but only 70 miles from Villamontes). This shows October means of 11.5 which is the lowest since 1992.

    • PhilJourdan says:

      Uh, you are? Clearly no one gave you the memo that said the Climate centers quit reporting temperatures in Bolivia in 1990 – so we know your blowing smoke up the tail pipe!

      Did you see the measurement at my house? 180 degrees!!!! How do you know it is not true since I SAID SO, and you NEVER TOOK A READING.

      For the blathering, it is called the “Bolivia Effect”. Google it. (or check out Chiefio’s blog site).

  3. drewski says:

    Nice diversion Steve — focus on one country and ignore the 18 others. However, speaking of Bolivia, has it or any other country on earth hit an all-time low this year? Did you know that 2010 has set the record for records? No other year since modern record keeping began has so many national temperature records — hot or cold — been set. What is truly amazing is all the 2010 records have been one way — hot!!

    I wonder if that qualifies as a trend, considering of course, that much of the year was in La Nina and we are still in the midst of the lowest solar minimum in the historical record.

    PS I am surprised that you didn’t make further comment on this absurd statement of yours?: “Most of those countries didn’t exist before the breakup of the Soviet Union. No continent has broken a record in 40 years.”

    I guess 3 out of 19 mean “most” and Asia is not a continent in sCeptic world .

    • Is Antarctica a country? How about every country in Europe? Are they countries? Maybe the US and Canada?

      • drewski says:

        No Antarctica is a continent the others you mention are all counties. What is your point anyway? Does this have anything to do with 3 being more than 16 or that Asia isn’t a continent or are you just blathering nonsense again?

        BTW Did any of these places set all-time cold records this year or are they just colder than they were this time last year? That wouldn’t be hard for Canada — 10 or 15 times the size of England — as last year was the warmest winter they have ever had (since record keeping at least) — a whopping 4C above the average.

  4. truthsword says:

    LOL at least drewski is trying… although being an AGWer is like spitting into the wind.

  5. drewski says:

    What a good intellectual come back there Stevey.

    Let me remind you that you created an entire blog which tried to make the point that GLOBAL warming is not occurring because a SMALL country has had a recent bout of cold weather. A trifle pathetic don’t you think?.

    SCEPTICS -= SO Called Experts Perpetually Talking In Circles

    • You know what is really boring? Drive by comments without the writer bothering to read the dozens of articles I have written on this topic. ZZZZzzzzz………

    • Mike Davis says:

      Were the records set after the final adjustments or was it like LA where the high temperature was set as the thermometer broke.
      After a few years of watching what comes out of the surface station records I will pass on any claims made related to any single or group of surface stations.
      They can not compare to historic biological records of plant types growing in different regions of the globe during different historical periods.

      Your AGW, ACC or ACD is all washed up and it is now time to throw out the garbage that comes out of the models that have no consistency with reality.

  6. sunsettommy says:

    LOL a new suck up AGW believer has rolled in.

    You drone about heat records without sources and yet you attack Steve who post sources.

    Not only that the world is cooling over all.The Oceans are cooling over all.

    Maybe you are just a lemming in the wind?

  7. sunsettommy says:

    “That wouldn’t be hard for Canada — 10 or 15 times the size of England — as last year was the warmest winter they have ever had (since record keeping at least) — a whopping 4C above the average.”

    That was courtesy of El-Nino.

    This year it is below average.

    Courtesy of La-Nina

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