Hottest Year Ever : More Brutal Cold Headed For Europe

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Hottest Year Ever : More Brutal Cold Headed For Europe

  1. suyts says:

    lol, hottest year evuh! Well, the thermometer readings for Nov are still out, but the sat readings are in for both RSS and UAH. RSS comparison for 1998 vs 2010. If the formatting holds, The number protruding to the right is the anomaly it has to be for 2010 to equal 1998 avg. monthly temp anomaly.

    1998 0.55 0.64
    1998.08 0.736 0.588
    1998.17 0.586 0.652
    1998.25 0.858 0.546
    1998.33 0.668 0.588
    1998.42 0.568 0.535
    1998.5 0.606 0.608
    1998.58 0.573 0.583
    1998.67 0.494 0.525
    1998.75 0.461 0.293
    1998.83 0.196 0.312
    1998.92 0.312 0.738

    0.550667 0.53363

    1998 UAH 2010 UAH
    1998 0.582 0.648
    1998.08 0.753 0.603
    1998.17 0.528 0.653
    1998.25 0.77 0.501
    1998.33 0.645 0.534
    1998.42 0.562 0.436
    1998.5 0.51 0.489
    1998.58 0.518 0.511
    1998.67 0.458 0.603
    1998.75 0.416 0.426
    1998.83 0.192 0.381
    1998.92 0.277 0.426

    0.51758 0.5259

    UAH seems to have the only reasonable shot, but even that’s unlikely unless we get a sudden shift in the trends. I thought an increase in atmospheric CO2 was suppose to raise temps?

  2. suyts says:

    lol, ok, the formatting didn’t hold. I should have used a space holder. RSS dec temp anomaly necessary to equal 1998 0.738 <—(ain't gonna happen), UAH dec temp anomaly necessary 0.426 <—–(could happen but not probable.)

  3. Andy Weiss says:

    I just saw that places in Florida have averaged 12 degrees below normal for this December, with even colder weather coming next week. If we keep cooling at this rate, the Florda tourist (and citrus) industry is doomed!!!

  4. slimething says:

    Keep in mind when there are large upward steps in LT temps it does not equate to warming; it is a release of heat from the oceans which means the earth is cooling translating to surface temps dropping rapidly. Look at what happened at the end of October, then again the end of November.

    See also AO

    This ENSO cycle included a Modoki El Nino which envelops a larger area than a normal El Nino event. That could very well be part of the explanation for the plummeting surface temps once the LT began clearing out the heat. Also, IIRC, Modoki El Nino’s don’t typically result in La Nina.

    We have yet to experience the largest effects of this La Nina which has not yet hit bottom and in fact according to the most recent forecasts will drop significantly more in the coming month.

    I think there will be a warm period coming at the end of the month, then later in January we will really see La Nina rearing its ugly head.

    my 2c

  5. R. de Haan says:

    Difficult to forecast European weather, let alone temperatures.
    One moment purple is dominating the picture, the next moment it’s gone
    However, the blue sticks

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