House G.O.P. Eliminating Global Warming Committee

“The Select Committee on Global Warming was created by Democrats simply to provide political cover to pass their job-killing national energy tax. It is unnecessary, and taxpayers will not have to fund it in the 112th Congress.”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to House G.O.P. Eliminating Global Warming Committee

  1. Russell C says:

    I wish they would keep it, if only for the irony of using this Pelosi-created committee for investigations into why there has been such an active push to make sure skeptic scientists were kept out of the mainstream media, and how corruption associations are placed on them when basic scrutiny shows massive problems with that particular effort: “Global Warming Nuisance Lawsuits Are Based on a Fatal Flaw”

  2. R. de Haan says:

    Yes, but now the are introducing a Bill that put’s you in jail when you possess plant seeds or grow a tomato in your own garden!

    These kind of bills would fit a paranoid Communist Regime ready to sacrifice it’s population for the sake of the cause but not the United States of America.

  3. peterhodges says:

    budget-wise this is like bill gates giving a quarter to a bum

    These kind of bills would fit a paranoid Communist Regime ready to sacrifice it’s population for the sake of the cause

    that would describe the u.s. congress!

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