Huckabee Wanted To Turn The US Into A Giant Thermostat


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Huckabee Wanted To Turn The US Into A Giant Thermostat

  1. suyts says:

    I think I’ll ask him if he still does. I find myself agreeing with most of his positions, but as you point out, some of his views are beyond the pale. People’s views change. I hope he has in this case.

  2. Shouldn’t his name be Hick i be?

  3. Paul H says:

    We keep being told by the warmists that denial is a right wing thing. This has always puzzled me – if you disagree with the science, it does not matter what your politics are.

    This does not mean of course that left wingers have not jumped on the bandwagon as a way of getting their policies adopted.

    This video reminds us that politicians on both sides have adopted warmist positions (and indeed sceptical positions – as when the Senate voted virtually unanimously to reject Kyoto).

    In the UK of course all 3 major parties are still totally wedded to global warming theories.

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