Lib Dem Environment Secretary 2004 : “Britons will soon be left with only dreams of a white Christmas”

Lewes MP and Lib Dem Shadow Environment Secretary Norman Baker has uncovered new government figures that show that dreams of a White Christmas are increasingly unlikely to become a reality. Since 1957 there have been 25 instances of a white Christmas anywhere in the country, yet because of global warming the future chances of snow on Christmas Day will drop by a third by 2010 and by over two thirds by 2050. London, which has only seen snow on Christmas Day six times in the last 45 years, will be even less likely to see snow in future, and coastal areas such as the Lewes constituency will also suffer.

Commenting on this, Norman said:

“Britons will soon be left with only dreams of a white Christmas, as the chances of it actually happening become more remote. Global warming is the main reason for this shift in seasonal weather and is responsible for changing the world as we know it.

“It is not only Christmas that will be affected.  In the New Year we can expect to see more of the extreme weather, floods and gales suffered across the continent this year.

“This is a global issue, but the UK Government needs to make reducing greenhouse gases one of its top New Year’s resolutions.”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Lib Dem Environment Secretary 2004 : “Britons will soon be left with only dreams of a white Christmas”

  1. Dave N says:

    Anyone reminded him since then? Has he also changed his tune to “this is consistent with AGW”?

  2. This guy hammered and hammered on the propaganda anvil.

  3. Baa Humbug says:

    So many gullible alarmist Lemmings,
    So little time to execute all of them.

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