“Media Matters” Continues To Be Jealous Of Fox News


Earth to looney left. A record cold winter is the wrong time to be picking a global warming fight.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to “Media Matters” Continues To Be Jealous Of Fox News

  1. Baa Humbug says:

    Don’t they remind you of the black knight of Monty Python fame?

  2. U NO HOO says:

    I think I said this before, “Ever open a soda bottle?”

  3. MikeTheDenier says:

    Why would they need fuel for heat with this being the hottest year ever????

    Millions facing fuel rationing over Christmas as heating oil runs low
    An estimated two million homes, schools and hospitals face fuel rationing over Christmas after MPs warned that supplies of heating oil would hit “crisis” point during the cold snap.


  4. Chris F says:

    Earth to looney left. A record cold winter is the wrong time to be picking a global warming fight.

    So is the fact that temps have been flat for 15 years.

    • Jimbo says:

      Just how many people do you think are paying any attention to Global Yawning or the Hottest Year Evaaaah? People in Europe are currently struggling to pay heating bills, get to work, fly over to relatives etc. and all we get is idiots trying to deflect their attention from extreme cold and snow and onto predicted overheating of the earth. These people are not people / media savvy at all.

  5. Alan Simpson says:

    An old school teacher told me, ” You can’t cure stupid”, best to just walk away smiling in case they get ranty or violent.

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