Media Matters Reminds Us To Ignore Cold Weather

On the other hand, blaming the Moscow heatwave on global warming was first rate science!


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to Media Matters Reminds Us To Ignore Cold Weather

  1. peterhodges says:

    this whole left vs right thing is just silly

    and beck is at least the charlatan as romm. except romm may actually believe his crap and mean well.

  2. Chris F says:

    Well just to make sure all bases are covered there are those indeed who will cite the snow as “consistent” with global warming.

  3. Andy Weiss says:

    Localized? What about Europe, Russia, China, Korea and the US. All of these places are having much below temperatures. Most of the Southern Hemisphere is having a cooler than normal summer. Isn’t that about everywhere?

  4. Paul H says:

    Right that’s it. I’m off to the beach tomorrow.

  5. speaking of censorship

    Obama Administration purchases high Goolge results for search term “ObamaCare”—no, not kidding:

    …..the Obama administration has purchased top billing to divert internet surfers away from antagonist websites to a new “sponsored link”….

    The money they use would be tax dollars. Seems to be a violation of some sort to use tax dollars that way, doesn’t it?

    • Mike Davis says:

      It comes from the Department of Education!!!!!

      • ObamaCare—-Dept of Education……… ok…… that makes….. perfect sense.

        Or should it be Department of Reeducation? Makes sense that way.

      • Mike Davis says:

        With what has been taught in our schools for years only those who were rebels and learned to think need to be re-educated and we are getting old.
        The way the Medical Profession has been going and the Surgeon General’s pronouncements most of the country are now Hypochondriacs. My current insurance requires me to see a doctor every 6 months and I am starting to feel like a hypochondriac because the doctor makes it seem as if minor normal aches and pains may be a sign of a major problem. We came to an agreement, If I am admitted to the hospital we will know I need more than a routine visit.

    • Mike Davis says:

      The official name is Continuing Education and most Universities now offer it for adults.

  6. On the other hand, blaming the Moscow heatwave on global warming was first rate science!

    Some weather is more equal than others.

  7. They should be called MediaDoesn’tMatters because few people care about them. And most have never even heard of them.

  8. Dave N says:

    Yet other alarmists are claiming the cold and snow is consistent with AGW? Alarmists contradicting one another isn’t exactly helping their cause. Well done, Beck.

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