Met Office 2009 : Skiing Doomed In Scotland

10 February 2009

Alex Hill, the chief government adviser with the Met Office, told The Scotsman there was no future for skiing in Scotland because climate change would see winters become too warm for regular snowfall.

Mr Hill said: “Put it this way: I won’t be investing in the skiing industry.

“The amount of snow has been decreasing for the last 40 years, and there’s no reason why it’s going to stop now.”—

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Met Office 2009 : Skiing Doomed In Scotland

  1. Tony Duncan says:


    this constant focus on the cold weather in very educational, as are you posts of various quotes from people that sound stupid either now or in hindsight.
    your ridiculing the idea that cold weather can be explained by ACC seems to be based on “common sense”. If that is the case then you should start a blog about the real fraud in science – Quantum mechanics.
    I have no doubt that scientists believe and say things that turn out not to be true.
    I also think it is possible that ACC is wrong in some fundamental way. There may very well be factors that effect climate sensitivity related specifically to CO2 which lead to very little global warming. If you had ever bothered to respond to my taunting you about that new research you would have seen one instance of that.
    However it doesn’t matter to the general theory of ACC if Scotland ends up being a skiing paradise. You keep trying to do Poppler, when you also need to apply Duhem Quine as well.

    • TimC says:

      One of the main points Steve makes is that that climate is naturally variable, without any help from us microscopically small (on a planetary scale) humans. A reminder that a lot of us are now seeing weather we last saw 40-odd years ago (when the scare du decade was that we were about to enter an ice age) puts it all into perspective, at least for us ordinary mortals without a science PhD – but I suspect with as much common sense as those who do. And, in a democracy, we all have an equal vote, at a secret ballot….

      OT: see link below – a coyote on icefloat!

    • Ian says:

      If you are going to be a pretentious prat then at least get the names right – it is Sir Karl POPPER.

      • Mike Davis says:

        You misunderstood. Tiny was referring to Popppler:
        PopplersPopplers are a tasty snack which the Planet Express Crew discovered on one of the Omicronian nursery planets. The Crew used their advantage on the market to cut a deal with the Earth fast food restaurant Fishy Joe’s. Soon, Humans had eaten billions of the delicacy. However, one of the Popplers soon spoke to Leela. Shocked, Leela begins to protest against the consumption of the most popular food on Earth. In the midst of her “Poppler Rights” movement, Earth is invaded by the Omicronians, who announce that the Popplers are their children. The Omicronians demand to consume one Human for every Poppler eaten — But there are not enough Humans on Earth. They settle for Leela instead: The first Human to eat a Poppler. But when a Poppler speaks out in defense of the Planet Express Ship Captain they devour a penniless hippy, Free Waterfall Jr

  2. Alex Hill, the chief government adviser with the Met Office…. Mr Hill said: “Put it this way: I won’t be investing in the skiing industry…..

    Typical for government work. The best and the brightest.

  3. Andy Weiss says:

    The Brits don’t have to go to Scotland to ski. They can do it in their own back yard.

  4. Axel says:

    Visit the website of Ski Scotland and see Snow Reports, Road Conditions, and webcam views from the five main Ski Centres & Resorts in Scotland. Not computerised fantasy-world pseudo-scientific claptrap predictions:

    Please visit also my Big Climate Video Website, with hundreds of feature length climate & NWO related videos, explaining almost every aspect of this controversial subject. Click on my name to go to The Fraudulent Climate of Hokum Science.

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