Monbiot Complains That Winters Aren’t Cold Enough In The UK

h/t to Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Monbiot Complains That Winters Aren’t Cold Enough In The UK

  1. Dave N says:

    Anyone asked him how he has felt about this winter, and the last?

    One has to wonder why alarmists like George would have had said stuff like that back then, if now the “experts” are saying the cold and snow are evidence of AGW.

  2. Chris F says:

    It’s funny how he so looks forward to the nice warm weather and opines how kind the weather has been.
    Ask any normal person living outside the tropics whether they would like to have more warm days or more cooler days in the course of a year and they invariably will choose warm.

  3. Latitude says:

    Or the fact that they changed the USDA zone maps, and people really thought they would be able to grow bananas in New Jersey…………

    This year you can’t even grow bananas in Miami!

    • suyts says:

      Oranges are screwed next year! ………… Thank God, global warming took a break so we have less ability to feed people now. Elsewise things could get bad!

      I’ll never forget the change in the argument. From CAGW to CC to CD. All the same causes, all the same results, but different actions.

      Many said, GW, so what? Warming is a good thing for mankind. Always has been. So then they said, “yeh, but its changing and we can’t adapt!” Then is was pointed out that we have indeed adapted to much more “change” than what they’re talking about. Now, it’s “disruption!”. Bad things will happen! We’ll have droughts and floods and snow storms and heat waves and cyclones and hurricanes! …………Funny, man has weathered more than that and has come out smiling. Weird, after 30 years of this madness, nothing ill has befallen us, other than energy is too damned expensive and its killing people.

      Thanks warmistas, you should all feel very proud today and for the rest of the winter. Every time someone dies from having to choose between heat and food, chalk one up for the team! By all means, lets have more ethanol. Sick bastards.

  4. Monbiot is always rabid. Sometimes more than other—but always rabid.

  5. Jimbo says:

    This is very similar to snowfalls are now just a thing of the past nonsense. We told them it was nonsense but they convinced themselves that this was the case. When mother nature pours ‘global warming’ on the UK they start the denial and sommersault to global warming causes more snow. SAD!

  6. Jimbo says:

    Monbiot wrote that piece in 2005. Here is what happened just 2 years later and onwards.

    UK winter snow since 2007


    Standard – 8 February 2007
    “Airports close as snow brings travel chaos to Britain”

    UPI –

    2 December 2008
    “Early snow blanketed much of Britain Tuesday,…”

    Guardian – 2 February

    “Transport hit as UK wakes to heaviest snow in decades

    BBC – 7 January 2010
    “Frozen Britain seen from above”

    Reuters – 13 January 2010
    “Britain, shivering through its coldest winter in three decades…”

    BBC – 25 November 2010
    “The earliest widespread snowfall for 17 years has gripped many parts of the UK.”

    ….”freezes”…. “unlikely to recur” – Monbiot 2005

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