Multiyear Ice Melt Plummeted in 2009

The NSIDC graph above shows something very interesting. From 2000-2008, multiyear ice melt (solid red line) increased every year over the previous year. But in 2009, the amount of melt plummeted by 80%.

This hints that there has been a large shift in Arctic conditions over the last two years. It is a safe bet that there will be more multiyear ice in Spring 2011 than there was in Spring of 2010.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Multiyear Ice Melt Plummeted in 2009

  1. Dave N says:

    The plummet affected their spelling

  2. Ya, but Phil said the Beaufort Sea has rotted ice. So disregard the data.

  3. AndyW says:

    Looking south, does that qualify as the worlds largest iceberg?


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