NCEP Forecast For The Coming Week

Lots of anomalously cold weather, particularly in Europe and Asia.

Look what is headed for Canada the following week!


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to NCEP Forecast For The Coming Week

  1. Baa Humbug says:

    Is that 2nd graph right? Sea T anomalies are +10 to 15c whilst land T anamolies well into negative territory. Nth America will be buried under precipitation if the graph is correct.

  2. Dave N says:

    Wow.. -20C is well above normal for Canada? Glad I don’t live there, especially when things are normal.

  3. Lance says:

    Well, I live just south of Calgary, and the map has us in that border at around -15C mean.

    The CAGW “the weather network” hasn’t got that in there forecast, but then, back in mid nov we had a very cold snap which “” pegged bang on, as i monitored for the 2 week stretch those temp means and the weather network, and the weather network was way off the mark. so with that cold coming, i might have to throw in another log on the fire.
    However, for the year, my weather station ….going out on the limb here folks…. will be .1C above my 21 year mean…so, 2010, nope, no story here, move along folks nothing to see.

  4. PJB says:

    Piffle. Here in the Laurentians, we hardy outdoors types are used to the -20 to -30 range as regular Dec 15 to Mar 15 fare. The odd -40’s during cold “snaps” are a bit worrisome but other than car problems, nothing too significant.

    We have been enjoying some decently warm temps (from freezing to -10) fairly often this year so far with little or no frigid numbers. Last year was similar, with only perhaps 9 or 10 days total with minimum temps below -30C.

    That Hampshire in England is forecast to have a low of -26 C makes me think that they are getting closer to their latitude “norm” than they would like or are used to.

  5. Andy Weiss says:

    The polar bears are going to fry and then they are going to freeze! Their very lives are in danger and it’s all our fault!

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